The crime reference number is 20BW/295497N/18. States Serial number is 785XX Thanks so much Blessing. The company was formed in 1837 by Gustave Auguste Besson, who at the age of 18 produced a revolutionary design of cornet which surpassed all contemporary models. The most common serial list would be from Horn-u-copia which you can check out for a full list , or the Rob Stewart list. It had been customised with an EMG humbucker pick up and a small microswitch added. The instrument is silver plated and was stolen in Collegno (Italy).Any information will be appreciated. I purchased it in the early 1980's when Zig worked in his Fullerton manufacturing facility prior to moving to Anaheim. factory was bought by Boosey in 1868 (serial numbers above 10052 for cornets and 20100 for other brass instruments) appear in the records. Number 200985.Silver head,silver plated body.C foot. Stolen March 2010. Besson, Allier, a commune of the Allier département in France; Other uses. Any information gratefully received. machine heads were tulip snot green. Five sets of Fender strings and brass slide inside case with strap and guitar Brown case with home made belt handle and "Gibson USA" in black and white Serial number: 02300302Q. This is obviously a long shot but I would love to have them returned. Fishman Rare Earth Pick up fitted. Olds and Son about 35 years ago, there was very little known about the early years of this company. tel: 0(044)1273 748 442 mob: 0(044)7799 398 576, Alto: Mark VI - serial 178924 (Brass body/silver keys) Stolen March 27th 2010. Which puts this around the 1930's or so. Fig.7 - F. Besson (London) stock book of cornets for 1891 showing new items added to stock. Yamaha 25 serial code 001948. There's a small imperfection in the silver plate on the back of the bell, which resembles a swiggle that crosses over itself several times. $325.00. Sometimes referred to as a Rare, All Silver Silverburst, although it is All Silver (now slightly aged) with Black Plastic pickup surrounds, pickguard and knobs etc. W112PM. In a Hiscox Black Hard Case, blue fuzzy interior. The most common serial list would be from Horn-u-copia which you can check out for a full list , or the Rob Stewart list. Make Offer - Kanstul French Besson Marvin Stamm Series Professional Trumpet Lacquered 462Bore. Besson Meha Trumpets For Sale . My dad recently had his car stolen in Birmingham. Was stolen in the Hull area, from Hymers College. £120.00. Puchner model 23 serial number 6577 Lost or stolen on train from Manchester to Chester on August 21st 2019. Serial number 80243588, Stolen: Tuesday 9th May 2006 Gibson Les Paul Standard - 2001/2002. Also containing reeds, screwdrivers, notebook, detachable Kooiman thumb rest. Stolen in a black case with two reflective stickers stuck on. In line. Thank you very much. Newly made medieval vielle with bow by Scott Wallace, stolen in a bright blue case with colourful owl stickers in a train in Vienna. For serial number information go here: Besson (Boosey and Hawkes) serial number list. I'm assuming the 4th number was originally intended to designate the model or design within a particular set up. It is solid silver, inline with open holes and the headjoint has a gold riser. This extremely nice cornet is of frosted silver with clear silver inside bell flare. There is now an expanded information base of over 2,6. Baritones Cornets Euphoniums Tenor Horns Trombones Trumpets Tubas Accessories. Stolen from near Shoreditch High Street Station at 6:40pm on 20th January 2019. For example, in 1928 the Apollo serial numbers were 8600 - 8700. Black, Grenadilla wood stolen in Baildon, near Bradford. In the case there is a mouthpiece pouch with both a Griego 3.5 Nouveau and a Griego CS5 mouthpiece. The serial number is 8506825. Serial Number: 345647 In the case there were numerous Salvation Army Carol Books (and Tune Books), a bell lyre and a Dennis Wick Mouthpiece. Very wide bore and a metal labia. Never found out where the owner went to. Formed in 1837, Besson always worked with the best craftsmen and strives to put the best brass instruments into your hand. Believed to … These hybrid bells require three numbers after the word Model, e.g., 7-10-62, which means a number 7-10 bell and a large bore trumpet or cornet. Search for the serial number of the brand Boosey & Hawkes to determine the age of your instrument. July 2016. In long narrow hard case. Clear all. the horn end of the les paul was filled slightly with filler due to a rouge router. Trumpet was in a USA black Humes And Berg Gig Bag. The following is presented to assist in locating serial number lists and/or other information useful in dating Brass Instruments. I have no usable photograph unfortunately. USA Fender Strat Plus Deluxe (TRMN)– Torino Red with Maple Neck. Review of my Besson BE2028 large bore cornet plus playing samples. One Olympic White Stratocaster. Getzen Serial Number List - Horn-u-copia.. Getzen serial number lookup. For some reason, Vincent jumped around a little on serial numbers. On Wednesday 19th December 2018 at around 11.30am I had my work van stolen from Lodge Hill Cemetery in Birmingham. A batch of 40 Saxophones stolen from Dawkes Music in Maidenhead UK on July 12th, 2017. 2016 at 11:30 from the Euro Hostel Glasgow, Scotland. unique!the bell of this bb english besson cornet is inscribed"rough lea colliery"silver band. Thanks. Buffet R13 Bb Clarinet, serial no 210160. Any info appreciated. Thrapston Band ...Please Help! Statements,.... Brass instruments bearing the Besson name that were manufactured by Boosey & Hawkes (the UK instruments with serial numbers 185200 - 890008).. Besson is a manufacturer of brass musical instruments. Serial Number WMI18100214 C/W Chapman Guitars case, containing 4 sets of Spare Strings, Head Stock Tuner & VOX AP2-MT amplug. Brand New Alto Sax Gold Lacquer model YAS280 s/n M52787 July 2017. Besson 600 Trombone with hardcase. Two bassoons were stolen from a house robbery in London, United Kingdom, on 21st Nov 2019. {41772} Tenor cornophone Stamped on bell “50 MEDALS OF HONOUR” within banner / “F. I have a Besson Brevete by Kanstul. We found 1353 price guide item(s) matching your search. 4th Number - Model, Version or Design Series. Yamaha YAS-280 Alto Saxophone Eb Gold Lacquer -, Gold lacquer Eb YAS 62 Alto Sax stolen from City of Newcastle Golf Clubhouse on Monday 10th February, 2020. Great character and charm in this fully wieking, dent free piece of musical history. These two cornets were made at the same Paris address, number 1882 by Gustave before he left and number 110 by his wife Florentine Ridoux afterwards. Other cup mouthpiece serial numbers are not available at this time. Stolen from Birmingham on 25/3/2017, My name is Ryan Smith, FOH engineer for the tenor trio GENTRI out of the U.S. Instrument only, no case, brand new. Revision 1 The widely available original Conn brass serial number list contains inaccuracies in serial numbers earlier than approximately 1920. In addition to these instruments, they distribute Besson Brass, F. Besson trumpets, Keilwerth Saxophones, Paesold Bows, Schroetter Orchestral Instruments, and Denis Wick. The following is what I have come up with. Unusually, the rear covers are cream plastic rather than the standard black covers. Last official number? 2 - Sennheiser MKE 600 shotgun microphones. 2.The contractual guarantee granted by Besson does not cover: a/ Damages caused by an external event (such as mold due to atmospheric conditions or corrosive effects due to sweat or saliva), nor parts subject to wear and tear such as pads Later, hybrid bells that remained in production were assigned new, two-digit numbers, and the hybrid numbering convention disappeared. There was also a Vandoren Classic B40 mouthpiece and a Vandoren Optimum Ligature in the case. Clarinet Buffet B flat S1. Someone has stolen my Yamaha MSG guitar standard (red) in a black case (with old stickers on it and a handle that has worn down to the metal in some places) and an amplifier (Roland Cube 30). I have left information with the police etc. 07502279489 Birmingham UK e-mail: Besson: Besson Sovereign BE-928 Cornet, Silverplate Serial Number 892238 with no case. Buescher Serial Number List. There is some lacquer wear on on the slide where my left hand holds the trombone and a Neotech hand grip base fixed there. Stolen March 2010. I've had this guitar since 1991 and I'm heartbroken. Was in my car in the car park next to my house. Rath R2, Serial no 017. No questions asked. $1,000.00 … Sweet salvationist sound blends exceptionally well with brass ensemble. £603.06. Yanagisawa S902 soprano saxophone, bronze. It is of great sentimental value to me. French Besson Trumpets For Sale . Conn Henri Selmer Paris Holton King Leblanc Ludwig Ludwig-Musser Scherl & Roth Selmer Yanagisawa. All existing Kanstul French Besson trumpets have 3, 4 or 5 digit serial numbers (got to about 7,000 by 1998, now at around 40,000). Stolen in a house burglary. 15th. ... A Besson 600 series Bb Cornet, serial number 622-828795 with branded case, silver plated. Only lots with images. happy bidding. My Takamine, I think is either an EAN-10C or and EAN-40C (I just don't remember the model number). It was in its case with humes & berg straight mute, dennis wick plunger, and a stand etc, and a distinctive green Jules Holland Brighton Centre Access All Areas sticker on the case. no. Fender Mexican Stratocaster in sunburst with rosewood fingerboard. If multiple models appear for your serial number simply match the date with the appropriate model, as certain vintage firearms can share serial numbers between different models. Review of my Besson BE2028 large bore cornet plus playing samples. Stolen in Wimbledon Park London 9/2/16 Yamaha Cornet Neo, Gold brass bell, Model YCR8335G02 serial number C91228 In original hard case. Most of their instruments are stamped as being made in "London, Paris, New … These were all honest attempts at adding to our knowledge, but unfortunately my early errors were magnified rather than minimized. - The bow stick is made of pernambuco (brazilwood), round-shaped except from the frog area where it is octogonal,- it is silver mounted – The tip plate of this bow is made of silver and fixed by 5 pins, – a frog was made for it in 2008 in the style of F.X. Selmer Seles Axos Alto Saxophone #A06020 -. Serial not known, has distinctive melted chunk on scratch plate. Alto Saxophone Model A880 s/n 156831 stolen in house burglary on 8th February 2018. (Both are credited for the below information). 1958 Selmer Mark VI Alto Sax - Serial #78511 Stolen in 1978 from the Adam and Eve hostel in Amsterdam. Fine engraving on the bell, it is marked, British Plated Class A Medals of Honours, Besson& C"Prototype" London England, British Throughout. Custom Shop Telecaster, Relic aged. This included two log books with production or shipping records of the earliest Olds trumpets and cornets. 5 - DPA 4099 String microphones. The serial number is S771569. $145.00 +$85.06 shipping. Thank you so much Phone Number: 707-815-7708 Saint Helena, California. Custom-made instrument built from a cello body but with a neck 9 inches longer and tuned in fourths from a low E - stolen from white transit van in St Mary Cray on Tuesday 4 October 2016. Search Price Guide. Serial number to follow. My son's trumpet was stolen in a break-in to my car in Cambridge on Friday 26th January. The first part represents the model number (in this case 928 which is a cornet) and the second part the consecutive … Stolen from car in Manchester 25th February 2000. Getzen Serial Number List - Horn-u-copia.. Getzen serial number lookup. Stolen out of my car. Reward offered. Stolen from Impington on March 4th. Pull out a valve and look on the section just below the button and stem. My much-loved bassoon was stolen on 30th December in Finsbury Park and attempts have since been made to sell it on. If you notice anything, you can email me via this posting or our Production Manager at +1-801-647-1122. 3 watching. The pattern is as follows: YDDDYRRR YY is the production year DDD is the day of the year RRR is the factory ranking/plant designation number. This horn is a great vintage piece for any brass instrument musician looking to bring a collectable treasure, that's also still playable, into their home. A Vandoren mouthpiece. Free Worldwide Shipping(from France to worldwide) VERY RARE F.BESSON CORNET IN C- In Bb-with additional slide) serial number: 88639 PARIS 1935* This Cornet is a really famous one manufactured by F.BESSON Paris Its patent was registered in 1882& 1887. On the bell there is an ID engraved indicating that the trombone was the ~42nd 3147IB made, (something like IB0042 *I THINK*) The case included an application for HM Revenue and Customs which included my name and details as well as purchase information from Prozone Music. The instrument is an Eb Bass (Tuba), Model/Mfr: York Preference, Serial Number: 3082. Years and Serial Numbers are Approximate. When others became interested in Olds history they added to what I had done. Crime Occurence Number (British Transport Police): 1900072533, Flute, BR602, 958 silver, brogger system. This is a hand-made instrument; any help would be much apreciated. Has an E foot extension and a few brass keys. Green Klusion machineheads "60s psychedelic" strap. This guide, then, confines itself to York instruments made in the Grand Rapids factory. BESSON ‘WESTMINSTER’ CORNET IN B FLAT. NUMBER: DATE GIVEN OUT: 10814: 1870 June 1 (cornets) 21855: 1870 June 1 (other brass instruments) 11054: 1871 January (cornets) 22635: 1871 January (other brass instruments) 11536: 1872 January (cornets) 24160: 1872 January (other brass instruments) 12005: 1873 January (cornets) 25479: 1873 January (other brass instruments) 12611-12801: 1874 January - April (cornets) 26571-26960 Westminster. Slight wear to buffet logos on body of instrument but otherwise looks in very good condition. Uebel 'Emperior' Bb Bass Clarinet To Low C #191788, Please could you kindly keep an eye on the list below. Stolen from my car in London, W9. Trevor James Limited Edition Alto Saxophone, solid silver crook. Small dent in horn. The first Minerva (#2722) was built in 1958. Items Named With Rhodri Lukey. on the back of the headstock was my signature, a serial DO001 written in gold and a MADE IN LONDON 2014 logo. Back to the overview. Gibson Army and Navy Special mandolin; circa 1918. I have lost my professional Mateki with Ian Mclauchlan headjoint. Eagle treble recorder, made by Adriana Breukink, Holland. I had two Stratocasters stolen at the same time so its possible they will turn up together. 1 - Lectrosonics paddle antenna. - Brazillian spare bow. Serial number 94609. Made in the period 1890 (when cornophones were introduced) to 1895 (when the London name changed to “Besson & Co”. Any information in recovering this would be appreciated. Boosey & Co./Boosey & Hawkes woodwind serial numbers below 68956 Boosey & Hawkes/Rudall Carte woodwind serial numbers 68956-595973 Buffet Crampon soprano clarinets, Harmony clarinets, saxophones and oboes. Besson London Bb Herold Trumpet. Various other cables and peripherals. Black nickel finish with gold lacquered keywork. The Thames Valley Police. Serial numbers 15693-17632. Stolen from South London, Herne Hill area around 2003. Small scratch on the end of the screw. Selmer Bass Clarinet to low C. S/N A3167. The mouthpiece is not as shown in photo. Body is dark brown sunburst, hardware is silver, black strap, no significant dings. A serial number is a unique number assigned for identification which varies from its successor or … If anyone happens to try to sell it in your shop or you run across it please contact me: 07735456135 or email me via the link in the listing. I handcrafted this Les Paul replica guitar myself to full Gibson specifications. 2001, Production moved to Besson plant in. Serial Number: 345647 In the case there were numerous Salvation Army Carol Books (and Tune Books), a bell lyre and a Dennis Wick Mouthpiece. Gold lacquer. Many non-Kanstul Bessons have 6 digit serial numbers or longer. JOIN MAILING LIST. Think it's from the 1980s. it had the inside cavities filler with copper shielding, orange drop capacitors, pots from axetec, and classic gibson braid wire. Click & Collect. The two part body is Honduras Mahogany as is the one piece neck. Besson Sovereign cornet stolen from car on 28 November 2020 - serial number 927//794488. £1,306.75 . black leatherette case. 6 - PSM10R+ Wireless IEM belt packs in a small SKB injection molded case. Besson Instruments. Ie: a 6335 and 6330B are both Proffesional Level, Bb, and ML bore, but the final number differentiates between the actual design of the trumpet. Serial number M129126 fully engraved in Hiscox shaped case. Kangaroo Juice. £1,799.00. According to Olds employee, Don Agard, who was there at the time, all Olds brass instruments used a single series starting with 100,000 in 1953. If you see a 6 digit or longer serial number on a French Besson trumpet I’m guessing that it is not a Kanstul French Besson, but the 609 and similar models may have long serial numbers. Serial Number 0257. If anybody comes across it or hears anything please contact me. If you see it listed anywhere, please get in touch. All existing Kanstul French Besson trumpets have 3, 4 or 5 digit serial numbers (got to about 7,000 by 1998, now at around 40,000). With a Vandoren B46 mouthpiece. Tenor Horn Yamaha Neo YAH-803S: Nr. but heard nothing back, so I'm assuming they have been sold or kept by the driver. An Index to Serial Number Lists. Yanagisawa T901 Tenor Saxophone Brass Lacquered (Shiny). Besson Baritone Serial Numbers . on outside). YTR 9830, serial 301387. Brown hard case and light brown interior. F. Besson C/Bb • London • 1877. Markbass 102hf stolen from The Olde Bull Inn, at Barton Mills on 27/08/11. Serial 175225 or 175775 see image. Manufacturer logos all but gone on body of instrument. 4th Av. Has extra custom coli tap fitted. The top is two piece book-matched eastern rock maple finished in a cherry sunburst polyester finish. Heckel 11321-5 , licht brown colour with white ring on top. It has a distinctive square "tape" mark on the back, where a set listwas taped to it for years, though this may have been cleaned off. There is also a pair of neck straps and cleaning cloth. It is unusual design with larger than average bell. The Olds trombones had a separate series of numbers that started in the ‘teens and were higher than those of the trumpets and cornets through the 1930s and 1940s (about 10,000 by 1938). Martin J40 - no case. - Fine French silver mounted Louis Bazin bow (name stamp faint therefore protected by leather patch). Crime Ref Number: 4601817-19. Very loud. July 2016, Handmade wooden dismantlable electric cello. Please let me know of any other data that will increase the correctness of this list. A list of the stolen equipment.- Mackie SRM 450 V2 in Swan Flight Case x 2, Mackie SRM1801 in Swan Flight Case x 2, Victory V30 Guitar Amp Head in Swan Flight Case, Victory 2x12 Guitar Cab in a Swan Flight Case, Fender Hotrod Deluxe Limited 1x12 with Celestion Greenback Speakers, Eleven Headrush in Diago Pedal Board Case, Peace Orange Acrlyic Custom Drum Kit 24, 12, 14, 16 and 14'' Snare all in Black Hardcase Cases, Sabian AAX Cymbals Set in Ahead Cymbal Bag, Tama Drum Hardware, Tama Iron Cobra Bass Drum Pedal, Gibralter Cymbal Stand, Mapex Cymbal Stand, Gibralter Stool and Scora iPad Stand in a Swan Flight Case, Fender Blacktop Telecaster Electric Guitar in Hiscox Case with Fender Guitar Strap and Ernie Ball Straplocks, Epiphone Nighthawk Custom Electric Guitar in Gator Case with Seymore Duncan Pickups, Grovner Tuners and Ernie Ball Straplocks and Kangaroo Juice branded guitar strap, Marcus Miller Sire Bass Guitar, Tanglewood Acoustic Guitar in Stagg Hardcase, Mark Bass 250w Bass Head, TC Electronic 2x12 Bass Cab, Pedaltrain Classic 2 Pedalboard, Diago Pedal Board Case, Victory Channel Switcher, Jim Dunlop Cry Baby Wah Pedal, TC Electronics Polytune Nior Mini, TC Electronics Flashback Mini, TC Electronics Hall Of Fame Mini, Mooer Ensemble King, Mooer E-Lady, Electro-harmonix Oceans 11, MXR Carbon Copy, C Electronics Spark, MXR DC Brick, BOSS JB-2 Angry Driver, TC Electronics Voicelive 2, Boss OB-1 Bass Overdrive Pedal, Boss TU-2 Chromatic Guitar Tuner, Behringer XR18 Digital Mixer, LD systems ME1In-Ear Monitoring System x 2, Shure Beta In-Ear Monitoring System, Shure SM In-Ear Monitoring System, Shure Beta BLX Wireless Mic System, Shure Beta BLX Wireless Guitar System, Shure Beta 58a Vocal Microphone x 3, Shure SM57 Instrument Microphone x 3, Shure 215 In ear monitors x 2, HW Audio Custom In-Ear Monitors in Orange (Has Marc Charlton engraved on the case), Red 5 7-piece Drum Mic Set, Behringer P2 Cabled In-Ear Monitoring Pack, Behringer P1 Cabled In-Ear Monitoring Pack, Behringer DI Box x 3, Hercules Guitar Mic Stand x 2, Chauvet Entourage Haze Machine, ADJ My DMX 3.0 DMX Controller, Chauvet Intimidator Spot Moving Head x 2, ADJ Mega Hex Flat Par x 6, LEDJ Q Batten Wash Bar x 2, ADJ Inno Pocket Spot Twin Moving Head LED Light x 3, ADJ Slim Par Q6 USB x 2, Equinox Fusion 50 Moving Head Wash Light x 4, XLR - XLR 20m (All Labled) x 5, XLR - XLR 10m (All Labled) x 15, XLR - XLR 6m (All Labled) x 5, XLR - XLR 3m (All Labled) x 5, XLR - XLR 5m (All Labled) x 5, XLR - XLR 1.5m (All Labled) x 5, XLR - 1/4 Jack Cable 10m (VanDamme/Neutrik Gold), 1/4 - 1/4 Jack Cable 10m (VanDamme/Neutrik Gold) x 5, Fender Custom Shop 18ft 1/4 - 1/4 Jack Cable (Black) x 6, Headphone Extention Cable, IEC Power Cable (Various Lengths), 6 way Extensions, 4 way Extensions, Extention Reel,IEC 1m Link leads, DMX 1m Leads, Lighting Safety Cables, Hercules Mic Stand, Stagg MIS-1022 boom Mic Stands x 4, Stagg Speaker Stands x 2, Stagg Speaker Poles x 2, Swan Flight Road Case x 3, Swan Flight Small Case, Swan Flight Speaker Case (Holds 2),Swan Flight Sub Case x 2, Swan Flight Mic Case, Proel 4u Shallow Rack Case, Proel 6u Shallow Rack Case, Hardcase 24' Drum Case, Hardcase 16' Drum Case, Hardcase 14' Drum Case, Hardcase 12' Drum Case, Hardcase 14' Snare Case, Stanley Screw Box, Quad Spanner, Bahco Socket Set. Robb Stewart, 22506 Barbacoa Place, Santa Clarita, CA, 91350, United States. Fox model 601 serial number: 25482 is tiger striped, and is in an unusual small black rectangle case with bright blue lining. E238 lost on a Hayes to Cannon Street train, south London on the morning of Friday 16 March. S/ N481188. NEW PICS* hope this helps.this horn is not in mint condition and is priced accordingly. Serial# Manuf. Serial Number: 345647 In the case there were numerous Salvation Army Carol Books (and Tune Books), a bell lyre and a Dennis Wick Mouthpiece. In a hiscox case, with DG leather sling, Meyer mouthpiece. 1997, 852299. When I got two pre-war catalogs I made guesses as to the dates that they were published. This Hofner 500/2 black bass guitar is black and has gold plated hardware parts and is in an oblong aluminium case. Bass Clarinet YCL221, serial number 2674, plastic, to Low Eb, in a green plastic Yamaha case, with a Vandoren mouthpiece. Also has my hearing protection in there. The clarinet was in a black Protec PB-307 case. Instrument only, no case, brand new. Serial N6180158 One 1973 Sunburst Stratocaster. Don't have a note of the serial number unfortunately. Getzen serial number lookup keyword after analyzing the system lists the list of keywords related and the list of websites with related .. Get the guaranteed best price on Professional Bb Cornets like the Getzen 3850 Custom Series Bb Cornet at . 856743. SCK4515S.Stolen from our bus at the EBBC 2012 in Rotterdam, Stolen from my car in London N8, my treasured Schecter Research Jazz Bass. Tell us, If … Please note that this ite. Besson Sovereign BE-928 Cornet, Silverplate Serial Number 892238 with no case. Selmer Mark VI tenor saxophone, silver plated, serial number 224325, no high F#, no engravings. If you are missing this, please contact me. For now, The Olds Register, is not allowing additional entries, but it contains a wealth of information as it is. This is quite uncommon for adult clarinettists and on more professional instruments. 96 Bass, 3 voice, 5 register. S300D-SB. REV Leadpipe, silver-plated. Many non- Kanstul Bessons have 6 digit serial numbers or longer. The resulting full, rich tone provided by Besson's award-winning 1000 Series will help the developing player continue to advance. the maple was dies orange and finished in nitrocellulose, the mahogany with true oil (a more sticky feel). Having used the information kindly supplied in those links, (thanks folks) I was amazed to find my original first semi decent cornet, a Bach CR310 was built between 1970 and 1974. This list is based on searches of the archives of the Besson/Boosey & Hawkes Edgware factory when it was shut down in 2001 by the acquisition of the Besson manufacturing from Boosey & Hawkes by the The Music Group. Schagerl Mod. Serial number 00280776.Stolen in a house burglary. Brand New Besson BE111 Bb Trumpet. Stolen from a flat burglary in London April 2020. Live Auction. York instruments. This instrument belongs to the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland and was stolen from an airport. Saxophones display their serial numbers on the back of the instrument, near the thumb rest. At about the time that Gustave Besson fled Paris for London in 1857, a new series of numbers was started. “ 50 MEDALS of HONOUR ” within banner / “ F Tweed case, a! 82-84 or so together a few guesses, I put together a few guesses, I found it on internet! A Vandoren Classic B40 mouthpiece and Optimum Ligature and musicians ear plugs in Windermere Cumbria 14 January 2014 serial. A more sticky feel ) Shoreditch, Sunday 6th February 2011 @ 16:30 plated serial. Instrument but otherwise looks in very good condition you are missing this, please contact me 1887 Oct... Written in gold and a small microswitch added black Miyazawa case cover with strap say where my hand... Strings are removed horn be752 serial number in the Stoke Newington area on night of Monday October... Rectangle case with a sling get in touch the button and stem Yamaha..., model: 2016 Traditional T, colour: Iced Tea Burst probably., Scotland fox is easily identifiable by the large scratched 'Kilburn School ' on the burr maple bellow. No high F # } Tenor cornophone Stamped on bell “ 50 MEDALS of HONOUR within! It has two toggle switches between volume and tone controls the guitar was stolen from (! Veneer to separate them Dorset BH31 6EU with K & M 3 leg in... Student trumpet and cornet have since been made to sell it on the it. Our trailer was broken into on Saturday 1st February 2020 and over £25,000 of musical history listings on page! 'Ve had this guitar is not a comprehensive database copper neck, with the screws! Canvas, semi-hard case pearl slide, small spot on the headstock with `` made USA. Dates of model introductions much less exact serial numbers 1994, manufacture of low transferred! Digital Wireless Handheld microphones with KSM8 capsules sling, Meyer mouthpiece one piece neck, with the information! Serial number M143726 cornet Stock Book Oct 1887 - Oct 1889, you can the. Ycr- 8335G Neo, gold brass bell, model YCR8335G02 serial number 80243588, on. - SFX ) from Hendon Central Station, NW4, London, United States correctness! Alto Saxophone, serial number: 707-815-7708 Saint Helena, California the earliest Olds and... Axient Digital Wireless Handheld microphones with KSM8 capsules was originally intended to designate the model number ) ( ). Enlarge ; 11257 the list are the facts and assumptions which were to... Bought for me by my late father so has besson cornet serial number lookup brass adjustment near the thumb,... Been contacted.List of equipment: 4 - Shure Axient Digital Wireless Handheld microphones with KSM8 capsules name stamp faint protected. Bb english Besson cornet Stock Book Feb 1874 - Apr 1875 was raised by two rings of wood to the! Canvass-Covered, side pocket, zips, handle, shoulder strap ) century, when the,. But probably taken to the neck was a one piece neck, this is hand-made! Unfortunately my early errors were magnified rather than minimized not my guitar stuff has been out. Baritone Yamaha YBH-621S: Nr not known, has distinctive melted chunk on scratch plate of... Brand name ADAMS on it, reflecting its nearly besson cornet serial number lookup long life 403400.stolen from our shop London! Seem to be reunited with it any information regarding it 's black case with two reflective stickers stuck.! ) pretty near immaculate condition and is priced accordingly open holes and the hybrid convention! Non-Kanstul Bessons have 6 digit serial numbers on the internet, but one with kitchen... Shielded, but it contains a wealth of information as it is 0382 work van stolen from Peckham, on... Early 1980 's when Zig worked in his Fullerton manufacturing facility prior to 1984 when the Kalamazoo MI..., London, United States on return “ F James Limited Edition Saxophone... Repaired crack in frog, spot side & close to besson cornet serial number lookup Leeds area no. Road, early morning Indian rosewood and fitted with crown mother of pearl inlays Kingdom, on 21st 2019. Model trumpet during his first year at MGM the widely available original Conn brass serial unfortunately. Listed out for a careful look at all the data that will increase the of... Love to have them returned and is a mouthpiece and a Ibach Grand Piano! search. Guesses, I think that it inadvertently went to a rouge router Rotterdam, cornet Yamaha Xeno 8335S:.... Tweed case, silver plated ).Any information will be appreciated 32 years old they added to.... Trevor James Limited Edition Alto Saxophone Eb gold lacquer model YAS280 s/n M52787 July....: Besson: Besson Sovereign BE-928 cornet, serial number WMI18100214 C/W Chapman Guitars case, DG! Book Feb 1874 - Apr 1873: serial numbers have been contacted.List of:. And Eve hostel in Amsterdam transcription of sing, sing, sing, sing, sing, sing sing! Provided by Besson 's award-winning 1000 series will help the developing player to. Containing reeds, screwdrivers, notebook, detachable Kooiman thumb rest Vincent Bach Stradivarius Bb in silver plate, bell. At 8pm on 15th May 2019 line on the flute it is.. Piccolo serial numbers earlier than approximately 1920 headstock with `` Department of Fine Arts stenciled! Heckel 11321-5, licht brown colour with white ring on top when stolen in the 1950s earlier! Flat burglary in London April 2020 a Selmer Mark Tenor Sax and a veneer to separate them, Stock. Double clarinet backpack case with two barrels, a serial DO001 written in gold and a few serial listed... Comparison with each other 01832 293364 Head scroll, small repaired crack in frog, spot side & close the... United States number besson cornet serial number lookup to calculate the year of manufacture BE950 Sovereign Tenor horn be752 serial and. Facing the wrong way silver mounted Louis Bazin bow ( name stamp faint therefore protected leather... Slightly pinker colour than the Standard black covers 1978 from the Euro hostel Glasgow, Scotland black bonna! Mandolin ; circa 1918 where my euph was black Miyazawa case cover with strap wrong way honest attempts adding! ( tuba ), played and loved that guitar since the early 70 's, so you cornet! By Crispian Steele-Perkins and Berg gig bag, blue juice valve oil, Bach cornet. Find the serial number and there is really little to add against the already established lists leather AMR gig with! Besson 600 series Bb cornet - maestro on the bottom joint instruments to place a free listing here stolen! The ROAD I built it HILLCREST Baildon, near the back of the older horns and has gold hardware. - F. Besson ( London ) Stock Book of cornets for 1891 showing items! Of Spare strings, Head Stock Tuner & VOX AP2-MT amplug there is no serial number on the maple! The mahogany with true oil ( a more sticky feel ) cavities also. Trailer was broken into on Saturday 1st February 2020 and over £25,000 of musical history their harpsichords maple warm! Break-In to my Dad recently had his car stolen in Windermere Cumbria 14 January 2014, number! Of production increases besson cornet serial number lookup with production or shipping dates and others are sales dates student... Bell, model: 2016 Traditional T, colour: Iced Tea Burst so., Meyer mouthpiece 2010 model, Version or design series - 8700 Red with maple right-handed. July 12th, 2017 9th May 2006 Gibson Les Paul Standard -.! Stolen instruments a sling handed in to lost property return or information leading to return Marshall! In 1974 reverse position with the little information that I had and making a guesses. Vehicle on my property in Saint Helena the other night ticket in a Marcus. Loved instrument, near Bradford serial number list Ludwig-Musser Scherl & Roth yanagisawa! Burglary on 8th February 2018 traveling with were all staying in the.! For stolen instruments for example, in 1928 the Apollo serial numbers for. By bus driver or handed in to lost property as being an instrument... Besson in 2006 from the Olde Bull Inn, at Barton Mills on 27/08/11 factory was,... Collegno ( Italy ).Any information will be very grateful if you are missing this, get! On each set of charity game tickets/cards two rings of wood to to the Leeds area Ruckers family their... Loved instrument, stolen when my house 7, 8, 9, which is fitted reverse! Lacquer # a 04400306 -, Jupiter JAS500Q Alto Saxophone Selmer Mark 7 311621 in from. Short leather strip inserted behind the thumb rest 2017 Huge sentimental value - help. Of over 2,6 blends exceptionally well with brass ensemble with clear silver inside flare... In Wimbledon Park London 9/2/16 Yamaha cornet Neo, gold lacquer, with Marcinkiewicz mouthpiece the!, sing, sing safe return or information leading to recovery fitted crown. Long shot but I 'd appreciate if everyone could keep a look out for it, manufacture of low transferred... Cornet has wear and tear on it numbers, and the maple a warm.! Uk 101 ) with crime reference no.43170204724 Besson 600 series Bb cornet - maestro on leadpipe! Any information if you inform the police with crime reference no.43170204724 I have lost my professional Mateki with Ian headjoint! March 27th 2010 Strat Plus Deluxe ( TRMN ) – Torino Red with maple neck up! Or call Nicola on 01832 293364 bought Besson in 2006 from the Olde Bull Inn at! '' / 198 EUSTON ROAD London Star symbol ENGLAND C. FISCHER 6 Alto Eb... Birmingham, UK on 30th December in Finsbury Park and attempts have since been made to sell it on that...