Complications associated with the cold and flu can lead to upper respiratory infections such as bacterial sinusitis and strep throat, and the flu can lead to lower respiratory infections in the lungs that can lead to pneumonia and bronchitis. Although research suggests that essential oils may have some health benefits, it is important to remember that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) do not monitor or regulate the purity or quality of these. You can begin using essential oils immediately when you feel flu symptoms coming on. For example, the menthol and cooling effects of peppermint oil may work better in a chest rub than in a diffuser. For more information about COVID-19, click here. Message. Medical…, Sinus infections, or sinusitis, occur when a virus of bacteria enters the sinuses. Here are the 8 best veggie burgers based on their nutritional profile, ingredients, texture…, Formerly known as playpens, playards are a great way to keep your little one safe while freeing up your hands. And if you think about it, plants create these compounds for a reason—protection! Add a few drops to your bath, diffuse them into the air, or mix them with a carrier oil for a rub. Essential oils can be used as an alternative treatment for a variety of problems - and if looking for a specific problem area please use our search page to find relevant information. Flu is much more severe than a cold, but tends to exhibit similar symptoms. There is often confusion surrounding the reason for these ailments, and common terms like “cold”, “flu”, “pneumonia”, and “stomach flu” are used to describe distinct bacterial, viral, or … Essential oils to prevent the spread of flu. Leave a comment. To disinfect a sick room and help prevent the spread of the flu, try diffusing: 3 drops lemongrass. Pine essential oil, derived from the pine tree (Pinus Sylvestris), helps to clear the … © 2005-2021 Healthline Media a Red Ventures Company. Pregnancy: Talk to your doctor if you have any concerns about essential oil use. Last medically reviewed on March 17, 2020, Fever is a common symptom of COVID-19, though not everyone develops it. Bergamot Oil: One study showed that sniffing bergamot aroma for just 15 minutes reduced cortisol levels. Blends to diffuse for the flu. Here's where to start, with the best baby…, Poop's brown color is mostly due to bile and bilirubin. You can use an ounce of carrier oil, such as coconut oil, for every few drops of essential oil. Some research suggests that the ingredients in essential oils may help fight the flu virus. I love to use essential oils during the cold and flu season for their antiviral and antibacterial properties. MNT is the registered trade mark of Healthline Media. That said, some people with mild symptoms may find that essential oils help them feel better. Shannon Becker PhD. Any medical information published on this website is not intended as a substitute for informed medical advice and you should not take any action before consulting with a healthcare professional, American Journal of Essential Oils and Natural Products, Complementary Medicine / Alternative Medicine, Heart disease risk associated with eating fried foods, Diabetes treatment may protect against COVID-19 mortality. Use highly diluted, smaller doses of essential oil to the ratio of carrier oil or water is recommended. Eucalyptus is also known for its ant-viral activity a well known essential oil for flu and cold remedies and chest rubs. Healing With … The Essential Oils Flu Season Preparation Guide. What is your immune system? Lavender is a common essential oil and its uses as an essential oil to aid in cold and flu symptoms are abundant. A person should always do a patch test before trying a new essential oil. However, there is no evidence to suggest that essential oils can treat or cure flu symptoms or those of other viruses, including coronaviruses. There is no "cure" for the common cold or the flu, but there are tools available to increase self-care as you wait for the virus to run its course. Some potential hazards associated with essential oils include: Essential oils may not be safe to use during pregnancy. Name. Learn the symptoms of the flu so you know when to start your essential oil treatment. We include products we think are useful for our readers. Seek medical attention if you have symptoms for longer than three days or if they are getting worse. Some oils have antiviral benefits to help treat … Garden plants (think thyme, oregano, rosemary, lavender), trees (juniper, sage, frankincense), and grasses (lemongrass, citronella) all produce germ-fighting essential oils. You can find essential oils online or at a health store. Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. Tea Tree Essential Oil. I’ll also explain WHY these oils are so effective and share 2 recipes, so you can start supporting your immunity right away. (Oregano is not for the faint at heart and neither oregano or cinnamon should be used on children.) If you buy through links on this page, we may earn a small commission. Here are…. I’m not get deep into that here, because that’s not what this post is about. The weather has changed, punctuated by rapid temperature swings. Limit what medications you take to avoid overloading your system. Do a patch test on the inside of your forearm to check for any skin sensitivities. 1 drop geranium. Organic lemon stimulates white blood cell production and boosts immunity against serious infections including pneumonia and staph. Avoid taking essential oils by mouth. It has antiviral, … You can inhale essential oils by sniffing the bottle directly or adding a few drops of oil to a cotton ball or handkerchief. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) do not regulate essential oils or their use. An article in the American Journal of Essential Oils and Natural Products suggests that some essential oils may help fight flu viruses, though more research is necessary. Depending on the essential oil, the ratio can vary. 2 drop Lavender. Why’s Your Poop Brown and What Can Cause Color Changes? Essential oils are known to be effective against flu and herpes simplex, having strong anti-viral properties. The symptoms of sinusitis are similar to a cold, but it also…, COVID-19 shares some similarities with other respiratory conditions, such as the common cold and influenza, although there are also crucial…, © 2004-2021 Healthline Media UK Ltd, Brighton, UK, a Red Ventures Company. According to the study authors, ingredients in the following essential oils have shown some antiviral activity: bergamot oil eucalyptus oil red thyme cinnamon leaf They can also help with stress or pain. All rights reserved. Essential oils are commonly used during cold and flu season for their many antiviral and antibacterial properties. Email. It may be toxic in large doses. ... Children's Use of Essential Oils For Flu . Debra Rose Wilson, Ph.D., MSN, R.N., IBCLC, AHN-BC, CHT, Risks and warnings of using essential oils, 9 Ways to Naturally Clear Up Your Congestion, The Best Baby Toothpaste to Shine Up Those Sweet Smiles. You can make so many blends with just these 5 oils! A 2010 study looked at a commercial essential oil blend of clove, wild orange, and cinnamon. While influenza can sometimes be fatal, in general, influenza deaths are due to complications of the infection, including lung damage, pneumonia, and secondar… Cold and Flu Chest Rub. How does fake news of 5G and COVID-19 spread worldwide? As an essential oil for colds and flu it has anti-septic and anti-inflammatory properties. This method helps clear your nasal passages so you can breathe better. Here are some of the best on the market…, Meal planning is one of the best ways to kickstart and stay on top of your weight loss goals, and new technology can make this task easier. Also, lemon balm may contain ingredients that could help prevent one type of bird flu virus from reproducing, according to one laboratory study. Some oils may even have antiviral benefits to help treat infections and reduce fever. Potency: Essential oils are extremely potent. in Best Essential Oils For, Learn. It is never safe to consume essential oils, and children should not use them in any way. You can dilute essential oils with carrier oils such as coconut oil, avocado oil, castor oil, or others. If a person finds that essential oils help with their symptoms, they should be sure to check with a doctor first and always practice safe use. Medications can help relieve symptoms, and some people also try alternative therapies, such as essential oils. It is that time of the year again. Find out which remedies…, Sipping a hot cup of tea makes us feel better when we're sick, but certain teas may actually ease the symptoms of your cold. When used properly, essential oils can offer the best supportive care during a cold or flu spell, soothing symptoms and hastening the healing process. You can also add a few drops essential oils to: Benefits depend on the application and type of oil. Quality: Be sure to buy your essential oils from a reputable source. Tweet Pin It. A great easy way to use essential oils for the flu is to add a drop Lemon and Peppermint to your water. Chamomile. What can science tell us about mediums who hear voices? This FREE course will be delivered straight to your inbox, one lesson at a time, to help you get started using essential oils safely! Always keep essential oils away from the eyes and any open flames. 1 This essential oil is also known for its analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and spasmolytic properties, as well as its ability to stimulate the immune system. The oil blend also decreased infection. For example, there may be a risk that the active ingredients will cross the placenta and affect the fetus. Ask your doctor if you have any questions about essential oils for flu or cold prevention, and note that pure essential oils should never be ingested through the mouth. The oils may also help you sleep better and destress. Just because essential oils are natural products, it does not mean that they are harmless. A person should talk with their healthcare provider before using essential oils, and they should be sure to research the quality of a brand’s products. Most of these medications have side effects such as drowsiness or alertness, but you can try: Limit what medications you take to avoid overloading your system. A bit weak, rundown and suspicious of the tingling in your throat, nagging headache or stuffy nose, you reach for the medicine cabinet hoping to allay the onset of a nasty cold … Plastic bottles increase the risk of contamination and decrease the shelf life the oil. Lavender and peppermint essential oils are good decongestants, lavender is also a natural antihistamine, and safe for kids*. That’s one of the big selling points with the oils. Oregano essential oil. Posted on January 01, 2016 by Chad Pegura | 1 comment. These oils may also help give you soothing support for common symptoms of cold and flu. Seek medical attention if you have symptoms for longer than three days or if they are getting worse. ... treat, cure or prevent disease, nor is it a substitute for medical advice. Flu viruses are constantly changing, which can make them hard to treat. However, these findings do not confirm that any essential oil can cure or treat flu or any other type of virus. Inhaling the vapor of eucalyptus essential oil can help alleviate symptoms of asthma and bronchitis, as well as symptoms of the common cold and flu. Keeping a few basic oils around, such as tea tree, peppermint, and lavender, can be helpful, even if you’re not sick. If your symptoms are located above your neck…, Besides medication, there are several natural decongestants that can unclog stuffy nasal passages and help you breathe easier. 8 drops Sweet Orange ( Citrus sinensis) 7 drops Tea Tree ( Melaleuca alternifolia) Weight loss apps can help you track lifestyle habits like calorie intake and exercise. Chamomile essential oil is one of the most beneficial oils out there, as it helps soothe depression symptoms and ease sleep issues. Wash your hands frequently and stay generally healthy by eating nutritiously, exercising regularly, and avoiding unhealthy habits like smoking and negative thinking. In some cases, it can be life threatening. Are you new to the idea of using essential oils for the health and wellness of your family? You can find essential oils online or at a health store. After diluting an essential oil, a person can apply it to the skin or add it to lotions and bath products. Essential Oils eCourse. The results of another laboratory study suggest that a commercial blend of essential oils might help reduce the activity of one type of flu virus. Here we share diffuser blends for colds, as well as several essential oils that can support you during your illness. Essential oils can help alleviate your flu symptoms, especially by clearing your nasal passage and reducing headaches and body aches. But it is extremely potent so it must be used with caution. Influenza viruses are classified as type A, B, or C by the virus’s hemagglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase (NA) proteins, and are named with the presumed place of origin. You also shouldn’t use a concentrated amount. For more information and resources to help keep you and your loved ones healthy this flu season, visit our dedicated hub. ... treat, cure or prevent any disease. COVID-19 vaccine rollout in Israel: Successes, lessons, and caveats, 20 natural options for treating psoriatic arthritis, Debra Sullivan, Ph.D., MSN, R.N., CNE, COI. With 5 Powerhouse Essential Oils for Cold and Flu. Other Natural Remedies for Flu: Many essential oils are dangerous for pets, so people should research which oils are safe for animals before using them at home. Eucalyptus globulus: Menthol-rich eucalyptus eases the pain of muscles and joints associated with … What is flu? It is very easy to count calories with help from website and apps. In most cases, having the flu means increasing self-care as you wait for the infection to run its course. It is a gentle oil extracted from the lavender plant, which is part of the mint family. Its application reduced in vitro viral particles by 90 percent. Anyone with severe or worsening symptoms of flu or another virus should seek medical help. Essential support. Although there have not been any large-scale trials on influenza-prevention using natural methods, there IS a good amount of data on the anti-viral and immunostimulant activity of essential oils. Learn more about how to use essential oils for the flu. We look at the research…, When those chompers start peeking out through your baby's smile, it's time to start an oral hygiene routine. All statements on this website are intended for informational purposes only. Read more: Drugs and treatments for the flu ». There are two basic methods for using essential oils: application to the skin and inhalation. To prevent yourself from getting the flu, keep your immune system strong by eating a healthy diet and getting your annual flu vaccination. How to Use Essential Oils During Winters: – Start your day with a glass of warm water with a drop of lemon … Organic Lemon: Organic lemon essential oil is one of the most potent oils and the first to go to when one’s immunity is compromised. The Essential Oils Flu Season Preparation Guide. While essential oils can help fight the flu and decrease your symptoms, you shouldn’t rely on them as your only treatment. Debra Sullivan, Ph.D., MSN, R.N., CNE, COI, The 8 Best Veggie Burgers for Your Meat-Free Routine, The 11 Best Meal Planning Apps to Help You Lose Weight, The 5 Best Calorie Counter Websites and Apps, The 10 Best Weight Loss Apps That Help You Meet Your Goals, clears your nasal passages and allows for steady breathing, relieves stress, fatigue, depression, and headaches, reduces coughs, sinusitis, and throat infections, has antibacterial activity to help fight respiratory infections, has antiviral and antifungal properties to clean surfaces or air, is a nontoxic way to clean surfaces or air, dilute in a carrier oil and add to steamy bathwater, a carrier oil, for massaging the head, neck, or feet, a large bowl of hot water, for steam inhalation, decongestants, which should only be used for a few days to avoid any rebound symptoms, antihistamines, which block typical flu symptoms such as sneezing, itching, and runny nose, acetaminophen, which relieves fever and other pain associated with the flu, throat lozenges, which you can suck on to relieve a scratchy throat. The best line of defense against the flu is, of course, prevention. What are the differences between COVID-19, the common cold, and influenza. Dilute a few drops of essential oil with an ounce of carrier oil. When applying an essential oil to the skin, always mix it with a carrier oil beforehand. One effective method of self-care is using essential oils as a topical rub or for aromatherapy. There is limited research on essential oils and the flu, especially in humans. Some examples of carrier oils include jojoba oil, olive oil, and nut oil. Some researchers have looked at how the ingredients in essential oils might impact different kinds of flu virus. Like medication, they can cause severe side effects if a person uses them improperly or in excessive amounts. Store them out of the reach of children and pets. Learn about the link between COVID-19 and fever, as well as how long it lasts…, Psoriatic arthritis is an inflammatory condition that leads to pain and swelling in the joints, fatigue, and possibly nail and skin changes. 3. While taking medications to cure these symptoms can be crucial, for those wishing to complement their treatment with alternative methods, or for those who may not be able to … It is best to ask a doctor before using essential oils for any medical purpose. 1 drop Tea Tree. Prevent Colds and Flu With Essential Oils. As an … This product, sold as doTERRA On Guard, contains the essential oils of wild orange peel, clove bud, cinnamon leaf, cinnamon bark, eucalyptus leaves, and rosemary. To prevent yourself from getting the flu, keep your immune system strong by eating a healthy diet and getting your annual flu vaccination. They can also help with stress or pain. Oregano can immediately relieve your cold and flu symptoms. Benefits: Antibacterial, antioxidant, strengthens immune system. ... is my favourite when you feel the first flu or cold symptoms. Keeping a few basic oils around, such as tea tree, peppermint, and lavender, can be helpful, even if youre not sick. They should ships your oils in glass bottles. Essential Oils. Elderberry (10 mL daily) It is believed that this herb can deactivate the flu virus and naturally boost … Other oils include tea tree, eucalyptus, lavender, and ravintsara. General flu blend. Here are the 10 best weight loss apps to help you meet your…. I want to share 5 essential oils for cold and flu that have been researched and proven to help prevent symptoms. 3 drops Eucalyptus. Eucalyptus-decongestant. Cold and Flu Treatment Essential Oils for Specific Cold and Flu Symptoms or Purposes: Frankincense-rejuvenation and restoration, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, expectorant, calming. This article reviews the 5 best calorie counters and explains their features. However, this does not mean that using essential oils at home will cure or treat the flu or other viruses. If you’re pregnant or breastfeeding, you may want to avoid using essential oils. Inhalation is the most beneficial way to use essential oils for a flu. For this reason, people should always buy them from reputable sources and use them with caution. Learn insider information that will make all the difference in the … You can use essential oils for flu prevention and to help relieve flu symptoms and speed the healing process if you become sick. Over-the-counter medications work better and may even decrease your recovery time. General flu blend #2. Using a diffuser keeps air humid and is a great way to enjoy the therapeutic benefits of essential oils. Fall and winter usher in the season of acute respiratory illnesses, and many people are beginning to suffer from sneezing, sore throats, coughs, fever, and achiness. Keep reading to learn how to use these oils and which ones to use for the flu. Some studies show that essential oil have properties that can fight viruses, alleviate flu symptoms, and increase comfort during the illness. Avoid in the use of children and for those with sensitive skin. You can also shop for an oregano oil tincture, which is an extract and essential oil blend formulated to take orally. Anyone with potential allergies should also be cautious when using essential oils, as they can cause serious reactions. Prevention is the best cure for flu. Flu Prevention. Influenza is a contagious respiratory disease that affects the nose, throat, and lungs. They also will not prevent a virus from becoming more severe. Use Oregano oil or Cinnamon oil and Lemon oil as a gargle for sore throats. Lavender-headache, relaxing, pain reliever, anxiety reducer, treatment for insomnia. (For those of you not in-the-know, essential oils are the concentrated, carefully-extracted volatile chemical constituents of plants and plant materials). For adults and children over 10 years old, essential oils of thyme, eucalyptus, rosemary, and sage all have antiviral … 1 drop Peppermint. If you don’t dilute the oils, they may irritate the skin, eyes, and lungs. In this article, learn more about how to use essential oils, their potential benefits for flu, and some risks associated with them. Pine Essential Oil. This recipe is a bit more involved but well worth taking the time to whip it … You are invited to join my 10-day eCourse — Your Simple Guide to Using Essential Oils. With topical applications, be sure to dilute the oil before applying it to your skin. Inhaling eucalyptus may help ease congestion. Read more: Natural antihistamines to try ». This oil also contains … Last medically reviewed on March 23, 2017, If you have a cold and want to run, a good rule of thumb is to consider the location of your symptoms. How to use: 4 drops undiluted on each sole of the foot. These strongly scented oils can help alleviate your flu symptoms, especially by clearing your nasal passage and reducing headaches. Influenza A and B cause the typical “flu” symptoms, but influenza C is typically not a concern for human health. When these substances mix with digested food, bacteria, and old red blood cells in your…, Flavorless veggie patties are a thing of the past. All rights reserved. They also noted antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, and other properties that may have applications for human medicine. This isn’t just a sales pitch by essential oil sellers, the research for this activity is positive. Here’s our process. Start early treatment . There’s not enough research about the safety of essential oils for children or pregnant women. You start to feel it. For inhalation therapy, float the essential oils in hot water and inhale the vapors, or use a room diffuser. According to the study authors, ingredients in the following essential oils have shown some antiviral activity: Tea tree oil may also have antiviral properties if a person incorporates it into air filtering systems, some scientists suggest. One effective method of self-care is using essential oils as a topical rub or for aromatherapy. Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Oregano-support healthy immune, digestion, and respiratory functions; cleaning and purifying agent; … Tea tree essential oil contains antiseptic, antiviral and antimicrobial … A 2014 review of essential oils recognized the health benefits of essential oils. Shelf life the oil before applying it to your bath, diffuse them into the air, or.! Reach of children and pets B cause the typical “ flu ” symptoms, shouldn! 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