But what actually determines the damage of your abilities? The amount of damage that you deal with Light Attacks is determined by your Max Magicka or Max Stamina and also by your Spell Damage or Weapon Damage. ESO PvE DPS Penetration Optimization . Look up any magicka sorc build. Cookies help us deliver our Services. I would say pirate skelly is almost required with your setup so you can get some help with the "outlast" part. Race: High Elf. How to get high spell damage eso How to get high spell damage eso Spell crit, with the inner light slotted, around 50%, maybe 45%. Keep in mind that I had on purple quality with no divines traits. ESO Magicka Sorcerers are the archetypical magic-based toon. The item spoiler marked above gives 25% bonus shock damage. but at a very high level it works like this. I wrote “most” skills, because there are exceptions, notably the Volatile Familiar ‘s shock aoe scales only with max magicka, and the explosion of Power of the Light scales only with max stamina. Exhale a flaming blast, dealing 709 Flame Damage to enemies in front of you and an additional 705 Flame Damage over 10 seconds. but at a very high level it works like this. I use spell power potions and keep elemental drain up. Some skills are more affected by “Spell/Weapon Damage”, so optimize your setup so you have a large 40k ish attribute pool with around 2000 Spell or Weapon Damage. I'll look into molag kena and will enchant my jewelry for weapon damahe asap, thank. The 500 spell damage can also be further increased with modifiers like … Skills Earthen Heart (Dragonknight) Calculations usually go something like this: (Magicka * x) + (Spell Damage * y) = Skill damage value. After the exchange is complete, the cost of your next Magicka Ability is reduced by 33% for 5 seconds. After the exchange is complete, the cost of your next Magicka Ability is reduced by 33% for 5 seconds. Most of those things have already been mentioned in this thread. If an ability uses Magicka it will scale with Spell Damage. My favorite race for this build is High Elf thanks to the extra spell damage, max magicka and Spell Recharge passive.Khajiit and Dark Elf are also strong choices.Breton is fine, though the extra cost reduction is often wasted on a Heavy Attack build like this one.. Mundus. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the elderscrollsonline community, Continue browsing in r/elderscrollsonline. You don't need to spend too much money on a lvl 45. This build offers two very powerful skill sets, both for farming/AoE damage and single-target DPS, making it perfect for Trials, Dungeons, and Arenas. Spell Damage has a bigger impact than Max Magicka because it can’t go as high and you can get it from fewer sources. Skill description Barter with Oblivion to trade vitality for power, sacrificing your Health in exchange for 3000 Magicka. Edit: what's you 11th piece? ESO Beginner Guide - EVERYTHING You Need to Know to Get Started - Duration: 42:35. May 19, 2017. Werewolf serves no purpose for magicka dps. Bewitched Sugar Skulls or Tri-Stat Food. Well just to clear things up. The way you get more spell damage is by sacrificing sustain. 198 if dual cast. Some players may wonder how to increase spell damage stats, so here are some ways to help you improve. I've played around with maxing out Hardy and Elemental Defender instead of Bastion but it feels weaker than having 20k+ shields. Having a Nirnhoned weapon with Spell Penetration allows your attacks to counteract or bypass some of the enemy's spell resistance to your attack. Your character attributes further affect this damage, whi… Let’s discuss the best Magicka DPS Armor Sets in ESO. Wie das auch 2020 und nach Greymoor noch klappt, verraten wir euch hier in unserem Vampir-Guide zu ESO. I choose High Elf for its high damage, Magicka sustain was just improved so there really isn’t a need to go Breton. Check the tooltip of a … Spell Critical: The percent chance your spell will do critical (50% extra) damage or healing. An example of a well-rounded build would be a melee DPS Templar with the Aedric Spear class skill line as the main damage source and Light armor for additional magicka bonuses. Spell Penetration: This determines how much of your spell is mitigated by a target’s armor score. Best way is to buy a blue or epic (haven't seen legendary yet, but they are probably out there) "of the whateverthefuckstat" that has an ability that you want (most likely health) and add a spell dam jewellery enchant to it. Tips and Notes for Glyph of Increase Magical Harm????? Look up any magicka sorc build. Toggling the light on for 5 seconds is just to reveal night blades in PvP. Tips and Notes for Glyph of Increase Magical Harm????? Light Attacks deal a small amount of damage to a single target with the weapon that you have equipped at the time of the attack. What do you think of? Glyph of Increase Magical Harm is a Glyph in Elder Scrolls Online that increases Spell Damage. I'll change that asap. With access to boundless storm and critical surge they also have unrivaled self healing in combat. Stamina Based Mundus Stones: Maximum DPS: Most characters should run the Thief mundus stone for maximum DPS but Khajiit Templars with a high critical strike chance should run Shadow. In addition, you can also frontbar the set only and still get crazy uptimes of the debuff on the enemy that increases your spell damage. For other great alternatives visit our race guide here! Anyways, thats about it. Are your weapons gold? Making sure your character has the proper amount of penetration is crucial to make sure you’re pumping out the maximum amount of damage you can be by bypassing your enemies’ defense (aka resistance). PVE damage dealers typically do not use any sustain sets. Red tree: Bastion - 100, Hardy - 60, Elemental Defender - 7. I run spinners and lich (mostly purple) and have the general meta setup equiped but my spell damage still doesn't crack 1500. Converts to a Magicka ability that now heals you or two allies after dealing damage. For any spell the formular is tolltip damage = X * (max magicka + (spell damage * 10.5)) This means that in terms of value you need 10.5 magicka to equal the same damage as 1 spell damage level 1 Please note that having high pools does not mean good regeneration, and sustained DPS will also need Magicka/Stamina Recovery in order to keep attacking through lengthier fights. The weapon that you wield into a fight has the biggest impact on your Spell and Weapon Damage values. How exactly does spell damage affect your overall damage? Increase Your Spell / Weapon Damage. This effect can occur once every 12 seconds. DPS builds usually go for a minimum amount of recovery as possible and then maximize Spell Damage/Magicka/Crit/.... Around 1500 is a good area to be in depending on your class (adjust with jewelry glyphs as needed). Perks, enchantments, cps i missed, etc. The SHOCK SCION is the ULTIMATE Magicka Sorcerer Build for The Elder Scrolls Online with a special focus on Vampire abilities. The Elder Scrolls Online has a plethora of Armor Sets you can use and combine to create the build of your choice. The exchange reduces your Healing Done and damage shield strength by 50% for 4 seconds. Food: Artaeum Pickled Fish Bowl . You need to reach a total of 18,200 Penetration for boss fights in Trials. An important thing to keep in mind is that you can’t just dump all of your attributes into one thing without setting off “overcharge”: a system of diminishing returns. So which parts would be BSW and which would be Julianos? If an ability uses Stamina it will scale with Weapon Damage. Weapon or Spell Damage, Heath, Stamina, Magicka, and other stats no longer have any soft or hard caps, so you can dump as many points into them as you like. This build revolves around high Magicka, maximizing Spell Damage, and the use of Destruction Staff. Location: Malabal Tor, Overland. SypherPK 153,282 views. Your going to need to be vr 16 if you wanna up your spell power by a lot. III. TESO News: 2.05 Updated Patch Notes Have Been Revealed In The Elder Scrolls Online, The Elder Scrolls Online News: Review From TESO: Greymoor | This Is An Historic Return To Skyrim, ESO News: Here Are Five Things That Beginners Should Know About Elder Scrolls Online, ESO News: The Main Quest In The Elder Scrolls Online Greymoor, ESO News: The Elder Scrolls: Blades Has Been Introduced To The Nintendo Switch, GAME&BOX LIMITED(Flat 6,No. Build is total glass cannon though, still working on the build And could use some advice. Spell crit, with the inner light slotted, around 50%, maybe 45%. im wearing the same thing and i have 2.5k spell damage buffed with major sorc. Press J to jump to the feed. Spell Damage; Spell Critical; Find out how to get the perfect stats for your Templar builds in our —-> ESO Mastery Builds Guide . Three, you can use two torags pact swords for extra sp on a damage bar. 9:07. boosts total magicka, spell damage, and spell critical; flame abilities have the chance to apply burn damage and increase spell damage for a short time; the burn effect has up to 65% uptime with two or more flame-based damage abilities; How to get this armor set: drops in City of Ash I and City of Ash II; all pieces can be found in either dungeon It's rough to get there sometimes and requires a fair bit of balancing stats to have that much damage while still sustaining and being decently tanky, but it's well worth it. Toggling the light on for 5 seconds is just to reveal night blades in PvP. For any spell the formular is tolltip damage = X * (max magicka + (spell damage * 10.5)), This means that in terms of value you need 10.5 magicka to equal the same damage as 1 spell damage. Magicka Sorcerer is simply one of the best PvP classes in ESO and has been for a long time, and for good reason. The higher the item level and quality, the more effect it will have. My favorite race for this build is High Elf thanks to the extra spell damage, max magicka and Spell Recharge passive.Khajiit and Dark Elf are also strong choices.Breton is fine, though the extra cost reduction is often wasted on a Heavy Attack build like this one.. Mundus. New effect The actual damage dealt will vary, however, because different targets have different mitigation like Armor and Spell Resistance. Mundus: Shadow; Attributes: Magicka: 64; Health: 0; Stamina: 0; Consumables. Thanks in advance! Oxidize the green dragon blood in your veins, limiting incoming damage to 3% of your Max Health and deal 137 Poison Damage to nearby enemies each second for 10 seconds. 1. So yeah, I'd probably change up some things for a bit more balanced build in the damage department. What's more, if you need eso gold, then you can gte cheap eso gold on our website. The 500 spell damage can also be further increased with modifiers like increased spell damage from the Major Sorcery buff. User Info: Rayzorium. Alchemy exploits could potentially raise it the rest of the way. Abilities have a base damage; this generally increases based on the rank of the ability. Well naturally become higher level, duh. Armor and Spell Resistance are the only stats to have a cap set on the amount of mitigation that you can receive. Your going to need to be vr 16 if you wanna up your spell power by a lot. Spell Damage – 30. There are other sets you can use. The cap is 50% mitigation; you can not mitigate damage further than 50% with Armor and Spell Resistance alone. We are professional and you can take a look. Much thanks =), When I was having trouble with spell damage, some guild members recommended putting those damage enchants on my weapons/jewellery. This will be your Healer build, and will work in the same fashion as other healers in ESO. Awesome, i've been hearing about those from others as well so ill throw them on as soon as possible. While a weapon with a Fire Damage enchantment is drawn, NPCs may comment as if you're using a fire spell. boosts total magicka, spell damage, and spell critical; flame abilities have the chance to apply burn damage and increase spell damage for a short time; the burn effect has up to 65% uptime with two or more flame-based damage abilities; How to get this armor set: drops in City of Ash I and City of Ash II; all pieces can be found in either dungeon One, get to vet 16, all gold legendary gear, all legendary weapons, all gold spell power enchants in your will power jewelry, molag kena helm/shoulders 5pc Julianos etc. Spell Penetration ignores the enemy’s armor in the amount of the bonus. If you don't use any wep skills on your damage bar on your templar, so you can put torags pact dual swords on that bar for some extra sp, that means you can also have them buff you crit as well if put that trait on them. What other sets can give more spell damage tho? The exchange reduces your Healing Done and damage shield strength by 50% for 4 seconds. I think many Sorc's will agree with me that Spinner is a bit overhyped and probably your main problem. Rayzorium 8 years ago #5. -do you have spell damage glyphs on your jewelry? Five piece gold Burning spellweave armor: ~489 spell damage (assumes 60% uptime), Five piece gold Julianos armor: 300 spell damage. If we add all these bonuses together, we get 2107 spell damage. If you don't have one, Molag Kena can give you a little extra spell damage. Stamina Dragonknight provides very high sustainable DPS thanks to empowered melee attacks and DoT mechanics. The Shadow. Spell damage doesn't need to be high … The perk Intense Flames causes the Fear effect Intense Flames Fear to be added to all Fire Damage spells. ESO Planet. If affected by Necromage, it becomes 31.125%. This gives me: This chapter focuses on the description of the most important properties of the Sorcerer class at dealing damage. This Attribute goes up 1.5 per level. These Armor Sets can fulfill different roles and help you play as a Damage Dealer, Healer or Tank. Yes they do. Race. This guide covers how to optimize your penetration as a damage dealer in PvE in The Elder Scrolls Online. Spell Damage (along with Max Magicka) will increase the effectiveness of your Magicka based abilities including damage and healing effects. Silks of the Sun is used by Fire Damage-based builds, such as Magicka Dragonknight, thanks to its 5-item set bonus which provides 400 Spell Damage to Flame Damage abilities. Finally, Maw Of The Infernal is a great magicka-focused Monster Set. If you only want to up it a little bit right now at lvl 45 get yourself some spell power enchantments and put them on your jewelry. Type: Light Armor Style: Daedric Location: City of Ash Required DLC: None That is 10% for critical. Running into water will not stop fire damage. Execute/ LA at 20%. Most that could possibly be achieved in 104.1014422638%. So 1095.5 is half. Weapon Damage, along with Max Stamina, determines the damage and healing of abilities which use Stamina. If you're wearing blue gear it'll scale you like your gear is blue and let's be honest 99% of v16 have all purple at least. Thanks to these stats it is a potent PVP Set. Spinner ‘ s Garments is an excellent offensive Set that boosts our Spell Damage and Spell Penetration. Hey again eso reddit, i have another instalment in my ongoing series of queries for you. The higher the item level and quality, the more effect it will have. Spell Critical: The percent chance your spell will do critical (50% extra) damage or healing. In general, every 1 point of Spell Damage is worth 10.5 points of Magicka when determining damage increases. Well here it is, don't expect to be a god on it straight away magplar is hard af to 1vX on. Your Weapon. It provides high bonuses to Health, Magicka, and Spell Damage. Where does my damage actually come from? If you’ve been playing ESO for a while you’ve probably encountered people by now who brag about their high DPS or asked you what your DPS is before agreeing on grouping up with you. Thanks for the advice. Of course, you can also use these solo builds in a group, especially useful in random groups. For alternatives, Mother’s Sorrow can be replaced with Medusa. I’m not going to go into the formulas etc. This only works on damage skills and is of no use for any healing spells since allies do not put up any resistance to your heals. Use two full 5-piece damage sets.. ex: julianos + burning spellweave.. although there are lots of good options. Also +2% per sorcerer skill on a bar (from a passive). Essence of Speed Leopold takes Essence of Speed as a supplement so he can run as fast as he did for his High School track team. Any help would be appreciated, so this one thanks you in advanced. Spell Damage: The base amount of damage you deal (or health you heal) with your spells. 2191 is your magic number. That's definitely a setup that runs low on spell damage, but I've seen it perform really well in the right hands. Glyph of Increase Magical Harm. While the rotation … I’m not going to go into the formulas etc. This may not be the same factoring for penetration, as a test done to raise spell damage and spell penetration, the effects of 20% to either or through cp, was almost equal in damage increase. There are lots of ways you can increase your Spell and Weapon Damage. I'm looking into molag kena, a yellow staff, and damage enchants. 5%. Bewitched Sugar Skulls or Tri-Stat Food. Rn i have huge sustain with lich (like 2500 magica regen without the proq) but im willing to look into other sets. Spells are any skills that use Magicka. While ESO does allow you to build a unique and flexible character, there are some builds which are less optimal. New effect -Most importantly, how do people get their spell damage upwards of 3k? Abilities have a base damage; this generally increases based on the rank of the ability. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. One, get to vet 16, all gold legendary gear, all legendary weapons, all gold spell power enchants in your will power jewelry, molag kena helm/shoulders 5pc Julianos etc. This Attribute increases damage/healing done by spells. With my enchantments and stuff my spell damage is 3100, but that also has inner light skill on my bar. Spell damage doesn't need to be high … Blue tree: Elemental Expert - 100, Spell Erosion - 67. That's basically the same set up as mine magdk ^ 5 BSw 5 Julanios + Grothdarr. Damaged attributes and skills can only be restored with a Restore effect spell, potion or by praying at an Altar of the Nine. In addition, you can also frontbar the set only and still get crazy uptimes of the debuff on the enemy that increases your spell damage. Sorcerer is a typical class created for the purpose of dealing damage, controlling groups of enemies and healing both oneself, and the party. We have decided to include only one item set based on the best items for general usage. Weapons that use Magicka (Destruction Staff Staff, Restoration Staff) use Max Magicka and Spell Damage.Weapons which use Stamina (O… Tri Potions Magicka Nightblade - both Nightblade's specializations occupy the highest Tier. Inner Light is no longer turned on, per se. The damage of any ability comes from five different things described below. At the same time, Stamina Dragonknight is a versatile build which offers at least several viable build paths. Where does my damage actually come from? Nope! This thing hit like a truck. The quality of the item also affect the enchant, raising it's score. High quality guides for the Elder Scrolls Online. An Infused staff with a Glyph of Weapon Damage will give 100% uptime with excellent weaving, this corresponds to 452 extra spell damage or 278 additional spell damage (you would have gained 178 spell damage from the Glyph of Weapon Damage on a non-Infused weapon.) 1 lightning 1 flame random gold staves, spell damage and flame enchants. 198 damage when dual cast with perks. I would recommend sitting at 3k spell damage fully buffed at least. -How exactly does spell damage affect your overall damage? Name Effect; Adept Rider: 2 items: Adds 1487 Armor 3 items: Adds 1487 Armor 4 items: Adds 1206 Maximum Health 5 items: While mounted you gain Major Evasion, reducing damage from area attacks by 20%. Tri Potions So for the standard 1487 Spell Penetration set bonus, 1487 of the enemy’s armor is ignored. Spell Damage represents the damage done by spells or abilities with a Magicka cost. Your Spell Damage can be improved by many sets (click for complete list), as well the Major Sorcery and Minor Sorcery effects, which increase your damage by 20% and 5% respectively. Damage in ESO comes from your abilities (duh). Potions. Spinner’s Garments. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. It'll scale like a V15 wearing V10 gear and then you think of course my stats suck. CP 270 mix into elemental expert, elfborn, and thamaturge mostly for damage. Two, if you want a quick solution, earn AP in cyrodiil and buy jewelry boxes if you don't have any jewelry and put some blue weapon damage enchants on them. Your 18k+ spell pen is the main advantage, though I personally think 14k spell pen is plenty based on testing I've done (typical of the maelstrom + amberplasm + pirate skeleton meta). Spell Resistance: How much spell damage your armor mitigates. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. My rotation is: LA, LL, LA, blockade, LA, pet, LA, curse, (ult/swap), heavy attack, clench, swap, repeat. You'll want to save what gold you can because a fully maxed set of gear at vr16 is gonna cost hundreds of thousands of gold, maybe even a million if you haven't been collecting mats at all and buy it outright. Glyph of Increase Magical Harm. Then, make sure all 3 jewelry pieces have spell damage glyphs, rather than sustain glyphs. Yeah, no damage buffs. I use high elf Five light kags Two heavy skoria set If I use two piece kena, with clever alchemist, with magica potions I can get up to 5k spell damage for a few hits. And this is without an armor set. 5 years ago. Damage in ESO comes from your abilities (duh). This gives a total of 529 additional Spell Damage to Fire-based spells, a number that rivals the great Mantle of Siroria. Anything below that, I feel as if my heals don't hit hard enough and my damage isn't quite strong enough. Perhaps even a new set. Mitigation Cap. The response has been overwhelmingly usefull. Race: High Elf or Breton. The builds below have a good balance between damage, survivability, healing and movement. Spell / Weapon Damage. Skill description Barter with Oblivion to trade vitality for power, sacrificing your Health in exchange for 3000 Magicka. Glyph efficiency increases by item level and quality. You just slot it to get the extra 5% magica and spell critical buff. A percentage? Your sets only give you one damage buff (spinners). Spell Damage: The base amount of damage you deal (or health you heal) with your spells. Edit: thank you guys for all the help, seriously. Glyph of Increase Magical Harm is a Glyph in Elder Scrolls Online that increases Spell Damage. -How drastically will a double in spell damage increase my preformance in pvp? In Elder Scrolls Online some skills do damage or buff players for a certain value and this value is calculated based on the amount of Magicka, Stamina, Weapon Damage or Spell Damage your character currently has. (3 items) Adds 129 Spell Damage (4 items) Adds 833 Spell Critical (5 items) When you deal damage with a Flame Damage ability, you apply the burning status effect to the enemy and increase your Spell Damage by 490 for 8 seconds. Look up any magicka sorc build. Is it a flat additive buff? Spell Penetration: This determines how much of your spell is mitigated by a target’s armor score. Important. I currently run as a magica sorc and have been strugling in pvp. One, get to vet 16, all gold legendary gear, all legendary weapons, all gold spell power enchants in your will power jewelry, molag kena helm/shoulders 5pc Julianos etc. The Shadow. Our main damage focused set on this build is a staple of most Magicka focused DPS builds and provides lots of bonus spell critical - Mother’s Sorrow.In addition to this, we are boosting our Magic-based damage skills even higher by using the War Maiden set. I suffer in sustainability though, ;(, Gold jewelry spell damage glyph: 174 spell damage (x3 jewlery pieces = 522), Major Sorcery buff (you should have this up all the time in battle): 20% spell damage = ~250. They bring excellent damage at range. Silks of the Sun is used by Fire Damage-based builds, such as Magicka Dragonknight, thanks to its 5-item set bonus which provides 400 Spell Damage to Flame Damage abilities. Potions. You can have a try and see if these tips work. This Light Armor, Weapon, and Jewelry Set is a part of the One Tamriel. Race; Mundus; Attributes; Consumables; Vampire; Gear; Skills; Rotation; Passives; Champion Points; Parse Time; OVERVIEW. Weapon Damage. ESO: Dual Wield Sorcerer - High Spell Damage Build - Duration: 9:07. Glyph efficiency increases by item level and quality. Switch Seducer for Julianos for more Spell Damage or different monster sets for different buffs. A percentage? Food/Drink Buff. Spell Strategist is a strictly single target Set and that makes it great against other players in PVP. This is increased by Major and Minor Sorcery thus the damage increase expected from using Infused for endgame builds is about 7.9% As you can see, we provide you the eso news and guide, including tips for you. Spell Resistance mitigates Magic Damage including Flame, Frost, Shock, Disease and Poison Damage. For reference, my main is a CP546 Magplar with Grothdarr's/Burning Spellweave/Julianos, and I have about 2437 spell damage out of combat on my dual wield bar, 2100-ish on inferno staff bar~. Skill morphs a) will increase the damage of the original skill as you continue to rank it and b) may add additional damage effects to the skill. Beginners; Dungeon Guides; Beginners How To Test Your DPS (Damage Per Second) June 29, 2019 By Pontypants. thats a bit too low of spell damage. Reply Every damaging and healing spell (with exception of shields and pet damage) have a multiplier X which is used in its damage calculation. ESO: Sorcerer as the DPS - Sorcerer class, tips, ... Sorcerer High Elf. Race. Inner Light is no longer turned on, per se. What this means is that for most skills, damage or healing-wise, 1 spell damage (respectively weapon damage) will be equivalent to 10.5 max magicka (respectively max stamina). It provides high bonuses to Health, Magicka, and Spell Damage. Biggest thing I have to advise, ESPECIALLY to new players: MAKE SURE YOUR RACE COMPLEMENTS YOUR ABILITIES. Spell Crit definitely does. For other uses, see Damage. Pick The Right Mundus Stone. Im cp.240 but don't see any spell damage nodes. Is it a flat additive buff? Your going to need to be vr 16 if you wanna up your spell power by a lot. So Nirnhoned would indirectly increase the damage of a magic based attack. Is your jewelry enchanted for spell power? Dodge rolling, blocking, and area-of-effect spells … Certain spells or enchanted items use magical damage to lower the value of a target's attributes, skills, health, magicka, or fatigue. There is no jewelry for Julianos, right? The magnitude is the units lost each second of duration. You just slot it to get the extra 5% magica and spell critical buff. Personally, I'm a magplar, but I currently have all gold items, and I'm currently running grothgar, rattle age, and I believe turogs (I switch this one out for others trying new things all the time). Food/Drink Buff. Overview. I'm wearing the same thing w moleg kena shoulders and all gold and have 3800 spell damage. You can test the spell damage yourself, put a spell damage Glyph on a random piece of jewelry, the. With spell dmg proc enchants BSw proc and major spell damage buff I get around 4200 spell damage. Check out ESO-Hub Now! Let's say you're L50 wearing L45 gear. Eso-Gold is a website focuses on Buy And Sale Eso Gold, Elder Scrolls Online Power leveling, Items And Other Mmorpg Game Service. The thing is you're completely reliant on always timing your bursts perfectly and out-lasting your opponents and making less mistakes. S Sorrow can be replaced with Medusa Resistance how to get high spell damage eso how much of spell! 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You in how to get high spell damage eso with Medusa have to advise, ESPECIALLY useful in random groups, Stamina Dragonknight is a single... Could potentially raise it the rest of the item spoiler marked above gives 25 % bonus Shock damage 're a... ( or Health you heal ) with your setup so you can and. Spell how to get high spell damage eso: the percent chance your spell power by a lot abilities have a good balance between damage and... A V15 wearing V10 gear and then you think of course my stats suck kena and will work the. For Julianos for more spell damage gold, Elder Scrolls Online has a plethora armor! Great Mantle of Siroria of queries for you????????????! Attributes and skills can only be restored with a Restore effect spell potion. And other Mmorpg Game Service ways you can use two torags pact swords for sp. Be BSw and which would be BSw and which would be Julianos increases based on the best Magicka DPS sets! Eso: Sorcerer as the DPS - Sorcerer class, tips, Sorcerer. 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