Zam Wesell is a human female bounty hunter from Star Wars.Zam first appeared in Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones. Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing. Appearances Attack of the Clones. Zam Wesell is everything you'd want in a girl: beauty, intelligence, style, the ability to strip and assemble an EE-3 blaster rifle in less than six seconds… She really does have it all. First, she tried bombing the platform they landed on and later used poisonous snake-like creatures called kouhuns, but Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker stopped her both times. 8D Sorta inspired me … Jango Fett and Zam Wesell—two notorious bounty hunters, one explosive combination! It's no wonder that she has caught the eye of fellow bounty hunter, Jango Fett. Zam Wesell shapeshifts to her human form and appears naked in front of Jango (the audience sees her modestly covering her most offensive parts). Ultimately, Fett decided to work with her to escape the prison, despite her … [Assassin Zam Wesell meets her employer, Jango Fett, outside in a back alley on Coruscant] Zam Wesell : I hit the ship, but they used a decoy. The addition of Jango and rework of Zam has led to much discussion, including Smithie D’s thoughts that Padme Amidala will be added to SWGoH next in a Legendary event . Zam Wesell and Jango Fett vs. Fennec Shand and Boba Fett Disney At the beginning of Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones , Queen Padmé Amidala ( Natalie Portman ) is under attack. Zam has appeared in only one set. It includes the one shots for Jango Fett and Zam Wesell. Dialogue is no different from "Jango Fett". 1 Description 2 Video Games 3 Background 4 Notes 5 Appearances 6 Gallery The Minifigure features light purple torso and leg pieces, both of which have additional printing in shades of grey and a darker purple to represent the clothes that Zam is known to wear. He hired another bounty hunter, Zam Wesell, to kill her. When a mysterious employer hires Jango Fett to retrieve an ancient artifact, it's no surprise to find the beautiful and deadly Zam Wesell. This shows that overall, Jango Fett was a highly amoral but very honorable man. Part of Jango Fett’s fearsome reputation can be attributed to his ship, the menacing Slave I.Fett personally outfitted this vessel with an array of deadly weaponry and soon you can put your own spin on this iconic ship with the Jango Fett’s Slave I Expansion Pack for Star Wars™: X-Wing!. Jango Fett hired her to kill Padmé Amidala on Coruscant, but the Naboo Senator eluded an explosive that destroyed her starship, then escaped poisonous kouhuns let loose in her apartment. Each month, the Star Wars 30th Anniversary Collection series will bring readers a limited-edition hardcover of … Jango Fett’s Slave I Expansion Pack – 29,95 USD. Kindly say, the star wars le ca ta obscur tome 1 jango fett zam wesell is universally compatible with any devices to read Related with Star Wars Le Ca Ta Obscur Tome 1 Jango Fett Zam Wesell: Star Wars Legends Epic Collection-Chris Claremont 2017-07-12 Collects Star Wars (1977) #24-38, Annual #1, Star Wars Weekly (UK) #94-99, #104-115. Jango's Slave I: 18 years Zam Wesell's pursuit: 18 years Tusken Raider encounter: 18 years TIE Bomber: 17 years TIE/d Fighter: 16 years Wookie Catamaran: 15 years TIE Crawler: 13 years V-19 Torrent: 12 years" Good point, I still wonder why the TIE bomber and Jango's Slave 1 never gets any updates. Zam Wesell. She was on a mission with Jango Fett to assassinate Senator Padmé Amidala. When a mysterious employer hires Jango Fett to retrieve an ancient artifact, it's no surprise to find the beautiful and deadly Zam Wesell in pursuit of the same prize. She is a bounty hunter. 27 BBY. I actually came up with the idea for Zam's card first while working on Boba Fett. Being a bounty hunter is all about one thing: getting the job done in order to get a paycheck. She is portrayed by Australian actress Leeanna Walsman. Jango Fett is a character in the Star Wars universe who is the secondary antagonist of Star Wars: Episode II: Attack of the Clones. Shipping and handling. I want to get those oneshots Jango Fett and Zam Wesell, the story of when they help Yarael Poof save the universe. It's Weh-Zell. Yup. Several characters die in the book, whose deaths may involve a lot of blood. Zam first appeared in Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones. Actress, Leeanna Walsman, played Zam Wesell. I hear Zam gives Jango a kiss on the cheek at the end too. The Hasbro design is probably the worst in the original box and has little in the way of unifying theme. Zam Wesell stars with Jango Fett in the video game Star Wars: Bounty Hunter, which describes in-canon missions accomplished by the pair in the days between Episode I: The Phantom Menace and their simultaneous screen debuts in Attack of the Clones. Fett meeting Wesell for the first time. Anyways, yeah, for Jango content, the Jango Fett/Zam Wesell duo isn't bad, but I'd definitely recommend Open Seasons (and the Bounty Hunter game). The worms worked for a robot, who worked for Wesell, who worked for Jango Fett, who worked for Count Dooku, who worked for Darth Sidious. But during the mission Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi caught her. Originally produced for law enforcement purposes by Kuat Systems Engineering, the Firespray-class patrol craft is also a favorite of bounty hunters like Jango Fett, who use its robust chassis to add their own weaponry and modifications. Jango Fett killed her with a poison dart. A shape-shifting Clawdite assassin from Zolan, Zam Wesell could assume any humanoid form. Wesell is also a playable character in LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga. The FULL title is more like "Jango Fett and Zam Wesell: A Tense Partnership" but you know DA. A shape-shifting Clawdite assassin from Zolan, Zam Wesell could assume any humanoid form. These were published to coincide with the Attack of the Clones movie. Jango Fett and Zam Wesell-two notorious bounty hunters, one explosive combination! Jango Fett killed her with a poison dart. This just randomly popped into my head, and I thought it was too cute to pass up. This item will ship to United States, but the seller has not specified shipping options. I'd also suggest checking out "Blood Ties: A Tale of Jango and Boba Fett" & "Blood Ties: Boba Fett is Dead" as they both deal with Jango … Zam Wesell is a human female bounty hunter from Star Wars. Obi Wan Kenobi and his Padawan Anakin Skywalker were busy guarding senator Padme Amidala when Zam Wessll, a bounty hunter, had entered in poisonous kouhons into her room while she was asleep. Zam Wesell is a Star Wars Minifigure introduced in 2002. ... And how to pronounce Zam WESELL. March 27, 2002. Shipped with USPS Priority Mail. Zam Wesell and Jango Fett Zam Wesell was a shapeshifting Clawdite bounty hunter from the planet Zolan . Zam Wesell made her big screen debut in “Attack of the Clones.” In that film the Clawdite from Zolan worked with Jango Fett once again to kill Senator Amidala. A much better comic than its predecessor. Actress, Leeanna Walsman, played Zam Wesell. Jango Fett is a fictional character and antagonist in the Star Wars franchise, created by George Lucas.He is a Mandalorian bounty hunter and the 'father' of Boba Fett, as well as the genetic template for the clone army of the Galactic Republic.He first appeared in the 2002 film Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones, where he was portrayed by Temuera Morrison. Jango Fett and Zam Wesell-two notorious bounty hunters, one explosive combination! Jango Fett : We'll have to try something more subtle this time, Zam. But Zam Wessell and Jango Fett come face to face with the ugly consequences of always working in the morally grey area. Ron Mars. He headed to the asteroid prison where Fust was held and managed to get in, only to find a novice bounty hunter, Zam Wesell, had captured him first. Orphaned at a young age, Fett was taken in by the Mandalorians as a foundling and trained in their combat arts. 5 stars. Origin. Jango was a bounty hunter who worked for Separatist leader Count Dooku, who had hired him to kill Senator Padmè Amidala. The Jedi master and his padawan sensed something was wrong and busted open the door instantly and sliced … For once, the bounty hunters might just be the heroes the galaxy needs. Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi pursued Zam across Coruscant, catching her in the Outlander Club. [[Category:]] Zam Wesell is a character that appeared in LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga. However, Zam Wesell's boss was none other than Jango Fett, who was in Coruscant during both assassination attempts and provided guidance, resources and cordial threats to Zam. Star Wars Comics Jango Fett Amd Zam Wesell Dark Horse Comics Lot 2. Both issues include Jango and Boba Fett… Collecting the graphic novels Jango Fett and Zam Wesell into one volume for the first time, this story captures a pivotal moment in the history of the Republic. Not Wessel.) Alongside the addition of Jango Fett, Zam Wesell is set to get a rework and Cad Bane’s ship, Xanadu Blood, will also be added to the game. AClawditefemale, Wesell wasbornon theplanetZolan.Shewas trained by theMabariuntil she desired wealth and journeyed toDenonto employ her skills and training as anassassin. Zam Wesell was a minor antagonist from the 2002 movieStar Wars: Episode II: Attack Of The Clones. Jango Fett presented an interesting challenge.
Star Wars Jango Fett And Zam Wesell One Shots Dark Horse.
This is a two issue lot from Dark Horse. [1] That buck probably should have stopped with Fett. Jango Fett and Zam Wesell-two notorious bounty hunters, one explosive combination! In her true form, Wesell was a reptilian -like humanoid , although she often appeared as a Human woman with short blonde or bronze-colored hair . When a mysterious employer hires Jango Fett to retrieve an ancient artifact, it’s no surprise to find the beautiful and deadly Zam Wesell in pursuit of the same prize. Zam Wesell is a Clawdite bounty hunter who uses her shape shifting ability to make countless kills and stealing artifacts and credits.. Major Story Arcs Star Wars: Jango Fett. in the game "Star Wars: Bounty Hunter" which is described in my journal... anyway, I've come to apprieciate her character alot more than I used to. At some point, Wesell worked withbounty hunterJango Fett… She was on a mission with Jango Fett to assassinate Senator Padmé Amidala.But during the mission Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi caught her. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Star Wars: Jango Fett & Zam Wesell Dark Horse Comics 1st Jango Fett Newsstands at the best online …