MINICAT WORLDWIDE Mobile: +420 776 749 175 Email: I'm a new Minicat 420 owner looking for any tips, tricks or tuning advice. Second-hand MINICAT EVOQUE 420 in Majorca (Spain). MiniCat 420 with gennacker sail and snuffer. Minicat 460 ELITE2021 for sale: 7850.-EUR, and many other boats available on ... MiniCat 460 ELITE / za 4 osebe Popolnoma NOV „MiniCat 460 Elite“ je visokotehnološka izdaja največje kategorije ponudbe prenosnih jadrnic MiniCat. All Rights Reserved, Der Artikel wurde in den Warenkorb gelegt, Schnell zugreifen - diese Ausführung ist fast ausverkauft, Die abgesendeten Daten werden nur zum Zweck der Bearbeitung Ihres Anliegens verarbeitet. Technical data sheet of the second-hand Catamarans sailboat for sale. From the very beginning Martin Horak linked with Moravian Exports, s.r.o. The MiniCat 420 Evoque was recently reviewed in Issue 174 of Multihulls World magazine published Nov/Dec 2020. Versandkosten. Enostavno naložite torbo v avto in odrinite. Second-hand MINICAT EVOQUE 420 with engine, 4.2 m in length, and m beam length. Experience the MiniCat 420 inflatable catamaran in this 360º virtual sail on Lake Cuomo (Italy). The MiniCat 460 is for you if speed is what you are after. I'm a new Minicat 420 owner looking for any tips, tricks or tuning advice. €50.00. Testimonials. Technische Details; Segeleigenschaften; FAQ; Testsegeln. Technical data sheet of the second-hand Catamarans sailboat for sale. CL south bend > boats - by owner ... prev next reply favorite. Report Post Likes(0) Quote Reply Posted: 30 Nov 2014 at 8:22pm. Discover the technical specifications of MiniCat 420 MINICAT, the boat review and all the classified ads for a pre-owned MiniCat 420 with Multihulls World. m ft langue. hidden. FOR SALE - Winston-Salem, NC - Looking to purchase a used minicat 420 or similar smartkat, ducky, or grabner happycat. Catamaran Models. Shop MiniCat 420 MiniCat 460. MiniCat 420 in a car. This is the Step-by-Step assembly guide for MiniCat 420 Instinct - 2019 model onwards. Second-hand catamaran boat for sale in roma. MiniCat 420 Instinct aufblasbarer Katamaran Segelboot, Lagereingang wird erwartet | Speditionsversand | Lieferzeit: 7-30 Tage*, Transportmaße : 2 Taschen, jeweils 175cm x 30cm x 30cm, Großsegel in weiß (mit transparentem Sichtfenster). Der größere Minicat 420 bietet mehr Platz und mehr Segelfläche. I'm used to racing one-design where tuning guides abound. Great tender for your yacht. Fernseher von e-emotion. So no matter what kind of catamaran experience you are looking for, minicat uk is best! Dolly Upgrades. Aucun produit dans ma liste de voeux devise € $ mesure. post; account; favorites. Did you know you can now order your 420 together with optional gennacker and snuffer? Kurzbeschreibung: Der 420er lässt sich vielseitig einsetzen, d.h. sportlich alleine oder zu zweit segeln, oder gemütlich cruisen mit 3-4 Personen. Laura Dekker in action- Minicat 420 LD edition. Yamaha Natural Sound Tuner T-420. FAQs. ExtaSea Dry Backpack wasserdichter Transport Rucksack Packsack... Grabner Happy Cat Evolution Katamaran Sport Luftboot Segelboot... MiniCat 310 Super aufblasbarer Katamaran Segelboot, MiniCat 310 Sport aufblasbarer Katamaran Segelboot, MiniCat 420 Emotion aufblasbarer Katamaran Segelboot, MiniCat 420 Evoque aufblasbarer Katamaran Segelboot, MiniCat 460 Esprit aufblasbarer Katamaran Segelboot, Grabner Happy Cat Evolution Katamaran Sport Luftboot Segelboot, Grabner Happy Cat Neo Katamaran Sport Luftboot Segelboot, Grabner Happy Cat Hurricane Katamaran Segelboot, **Alle Preise inkl. Auch für längere Touren geeignet (z.B unsere Segeltouren Halb-Rund-Mallorca, oder Insel-Hopping in Kroatien u. Thailand mit Zelt auf dem Boot ). Fernseher von Sony mit Halterung. Standard; Cheapest Offers First; Most Expensive Offers First; Newest Items First; Oldest Items First ; Shortest Items First; Longest Items First; Private Vendor Offers First; Dealer Offers First; 2,661 £ Do you like it? Den 420 gibt es in 3 Modell-Variationen : Folgende Maße gelten für ALLE 420er Modelle: Segelfarben:…………. Diese Website benutzt Cookies. No product in your cart 0. The MiniCat 420 Evoque was recently reviewed in Issue 174 of Multihulls World magazine published Nov/Dec 2020. favorite. 2020 marks the 15th year that MiniCat has been building inflatable catamaran sailboats. The Kingfisher minicat 430 - beam isn't given as yet on their website. 0. Boats for sale: International > Europe > UK > Sailing Dinghies. I have had this boat for a few years, always cleaned, dried and coated the hulls with protectant. hide. TNP Ruder + Ruderdollen & Ruderdollenhalterung... Allroundmarin Jolly 220 Luftboot Motorboot... Hiko Flex 80 Neopren Spritzdecke Wildwasser... Bravo GM 4 XS kompakte Handpumpe Luftpumpe. With more than 1,500 boats sold and sailing in all corners of the world, this popular portable sailboat redefines faimily fun sailing and weekend watersports. Perfect for enhanced performance in super-light winds and super speed for those who like it a little more extreme. This is the perfect family sailor. both imperial metric. In 2021 we will be ... GREAT NEW ACCESSORIES FOR 2021. latest news. The Wheelie Bag is the same design as the classic MiniCat bag but has two wheels added to one end to make it much easier to move the bag without lifting fully. The material 'Dimension Polyant' is used with a surface density of 175 - 240 g/m. Measuring 15 feet in length, the 420 is impressively lightweight, coming in at 128lbs. It fits a wide range of functionality with the ability to mount an outboard and a... View full product details Great new MiniCat designs for 2019 . Measuring 15 feet in length, the 420 is impressively lightweight, coming in at 128lbs. Length. Minicat, Minicat 420 Easy, 08020-003865 - Technical data, figures, features, price, photos from Yachting Catalogue, sailboats section, shipyard Minicat The 420 … Catamaran Range. It is the only 420 model that does not have a boomed mainsail. Popolnoma prenosljiv, zloži se v eno torbo (1,350 x 300 x 400 mm). Description. 1. Flying somewhere nice on holidays and want to have your boat with you? Looks like “Segelboot/Minicat 420 EMOTION” has already been sold. Dynamic Dolly, Type 15. Testimonials. Manufacturers. €1.00. Minicat 420 EVOQUE catamaran M0703 brand new. Please remember to state the country you are from and shipping address (ZIP code) for your GUPPY delivery. - Alle Streichpreise beziehen sich auf den UVP (UVP = Unverbindliche Preisempfehlung des Herstellers)*Die angegebenen Lieferzeiten beziehen sich auf Lieferungen innerhalb Deutschlands, Lieferzeiten für andere Länder entnehmen Sie bitte den Versandinformationen © 2020 ARTS-Outdoors. Labelled 420 because of the length of 4.2m, the MiniCat 420 is the best seller of the range. Then you have those that learned to sale on vacation, who would love to go sailing more back home, but lacked the space necessary to own and store a dinghy. CONTINUUM. Meanwhile if you wish to buy GUPPY simply email us on or fill in the Inquiry form, or WhatsApp +420 776 749 175. Gebrauchtboote: momentan keine . Donker thema . Inflatable catamaran photos - MiniCat gallery. Sevylor Ruderdollen Paar für Fishhunter und... Gumotex Reparaturset für Nitrilon Kajaks orange, Advanced Elements PackLite Außencover Bootshülle. mit Kostenloser Versand ab 39,- € in DE Kundenservice: +49 (0) 6461-806954 in 4 Segelfarben erhältlich! MiniCat 420 Laura Dekker will appeal to those customers who like to stand out of the crowd, ... 2021 is the 15th anniversary of the sale of our first MiniCat, so we are going to celebrate in style ... MINICAT FUN FESTIVAL 2021. special offer. After the 310 Sport and Super update in May last year, in January 2019 we are introducing you the brand new designs for the 420 and 460 model lines. Year. GUPPY is distributed worldwide by MiniCat Worldwide, a trading name of Moravian Exports s.r.o., established in 2003. The MiniCat 420 is our best selling MiniCat model. both imperial metric. Jetzt auch neu mit Gennaker-Option (10.5qm) Den 420 gibt es in 3 Modell-Variationen : anklicken für Detail-Infos ! Es gibt auch noch 3 andere Modelle/Ausstattungen des 420ers, mit Baum ( Alu oder Carbon), Mast auch aus Carbon statt Alu erhältlich, verschiedene Segel etc. latest news. Keywords. NEW Kingfisher 450CC Minicat with Suzuki DF60 Outboard engine. No problem, just take it on the place as a sport equipment. On the plane with MiniCat. 4 Minicat Boats For Sale - New and Used Minicat Boats on Tel. Gallery. Send … This means you can get better speed and performance using less sail area. It is the only 420 model that does not have a boomed mainsail. Minicat 310 SPORT2019 for sale: 3890.-EUR, and many other boats available on ... MiniCat 310 : Model za dve osebi Je majhen in lahek, vendar pravi katamaran - jadrnica ki nudi veliko užitka. Enostavno naložite torbo v avto in odrinite. Skip to Content Current Page: Home About. About the MINICAT 420 sailboat Calculations Help SA/Disp. Other things about these cats, I like - apparently (according to them) - good stability, good riding, good power and fuel efficiency, good reserve buoyancy. Members Profile. Only slightly longer and beamier, it has nearly 19% more sail area than the 420. Based on our 14 years of experience in designing and producing MiniCat – the world’s favorite portable sailboat, we set out to create an all-new ‘entry model’. Donkere thema-instellingen worden alleen in deze browser onthouden. Birdham, South East. Fitting into three bags, the MiniCat 460 maintains the MiniCat tradition being ultra-portable and built for performance. Location: lexington Price: $1 The MiniCat 420 is our best selling MiniCat model. Nyt myynnissä M MiniCat 420 Emotion sailing boat MiniCat 420 Emotion - Vaasa, Pohjanmaa. Der 420er lässt sich vielseitig einsetzen, d.h. sportlich alleine oder zu zweit segeln, oder gemütlich cruisen mit 3-4 Personen. (HKD price may vary due to exchange rate fluctuation.Please accord to the Euro price.) Please remember to state the country you are from and shipping address (ZIP code) for your GUPPY delivery. Efficient, cheap and easy. Auch für längere Touren geeignet (z.B unsere Segeltouren Halb-Rund-Mallorca, oder Insel-Hopping in Kroatien u. Thailand mit Zelt auf dem Boot ). If you wish to buy catamaran MiniCat, to make an order simply email us or fill in the Inquiry form with the specs of the boat you are interested in and the place of delivery and we will come back to you with a quotation and time of delivery. Sport Boats: For Sale: New Kingfisher 450CC Minicat Birdham Pool Marina West Sussex. Here I have a 2015 Minicat 420 sailboat in good condition. Product Price: HKD$31,900.00: SKU: M310SP: Product Shipping : Hong Kong : HKD$0.00; Self pickup : HKD$0.00; … Features: Used boat Minicat 420 instict, 4.2 metres in length, 2012. €30.00. This dolly style is custom-sized for catamarans of all kinds, from the 13′ Hobie Wave to the 19′ Prindle. 1 talking about this. The boat is in used condition but well taken cared of. Also supporting gennaker, trapeze, and motor mount, it will scoot even in the lightest of air, but be forewarned that it'd make its own waves in heavier air. I has some upgrades such as a traveler on the main sheet. Fijn voor 's nachts! Popolnoma prenosljiv, zloži se v eno torbo (1,350 x 300 x 400 mm). Fitting into three bags, the MiniCat 460 maintains the MiniCat tradition being ultra-portable and built for performance. MiniCat 420 Parts & Accessories. The Instinct is the base model 420. MiniCat Guppy catamaran price is the most competitive on the current inflatable boat market & with purchasing MiniCat you get a lot of boat for your money. Ultra Light Catamaran - Minicat 420 , Modell : INSTINCT Mit Rollfock, gesamt 9.7qm Segelfläche ( 4 Segelfarben sind wählbar!) Location: lexington Price: $1 Events & Treffen; Kontakt. Minicat 420 Emotion 1 for sale at Botentekoop. There are few 2020 demo boats left from shows and exhibitions. Impressum; AGB; Datenschutz; News; Paddeln & SUP; Second Hand. €115.00. Tel: +420 776 749 175 . Shop MiniCat 420 MiniCat 460 The largest boat in the MiniCat Fleet is the MiniCat 460. Vielen Dank! MINICAT 420 . Wenn du die Website weiter nutzt, gehen wir von deinem Einverständnis aus. Minicat 420 EVOQUE2019 for sale: 5440.-EUR, and many other boats available on Here I have a 2015 Minicat 420 sailboat in good condition. Contact Us Open Menu Close Menu. The boat is in used condition but well taken cared of. Saved from Free shipping for many products! MINICAT 420 $ 995.00. I'm used to racing one-design where tuning guides abound. Sale of Catamarans sailboat reference 70665 “We are soon launching our new e-shop to allow you a quick and easy purchase of GUPPY and accessories. Also available as an add-on package for 420 owners who wish to upgrade (excluding 420 Instinct). Klikkaa tästä kuvat ja lisätiedot. Second-hand MINICAT EVOQUE 420 in Majorca (Spain). All Power Sail. Dabei bleibt er immer noch super kompakt (in nur 2 Taschen) und ist im Auto oder auch Flugzeug leicht überall mit hinzunehmen. Fotos Minicat 420; Fotos Minicat 460; Fotos Minicat 310; Videos; Kundenfotos; Konzept. 4 (Blau, Rot, Orange, Gelb), Transportmaße : 2 Taschen, jeweils 175cm x 30cm x 30cm, Optional auch mit Gennaker und/oder Carbon-Mast, Sehen Sie Videos vom 420er-Segeln hier auf unserem YouTube-Kanal. Sailing Dinghies: For Sale: Minicat 420 Evoque sailing Catamaran Hertfordshire. Chanel Coco Lip Blush Nr 420. Standard. Probeer het donkere thema. MiniCat GUPPY is a 3 metres-long sailing inflatable catamaran that’s easy to carry and can be carried in a car or taken on a plane. Deutschland - Deutsch Français - Français España - Español Nederland - Nederlands. Fishing Addiction . See similar items. MiniCat 460 Parts & Accessories. This also means the MiniCat is easier to right than traditional rigid catamarans. €15.00 . Close × Clear Search Advanced Search. MiniCat 420 is the most popular inflatable sailboat from MiniCat line offering a great option of models for all sailing difficulty levels. Dynamic Dolly, Type 15. MiniCat Benefits Ultra-Light MiniCat ranges in weight from 35kg/77lbs to 58kg/127lbs depending on the model. The boat is not perfect, has paint flaking off on the mast, and trampoline frame. +49 174 6885139
The largest boat in the MiniCat Fleet is the MiniCat 460. Price. Boat Categories. MiniCat 420 - (...) 0. We are constantly trying to improve our brand and bring you upgrades and new accessories. Why are you reporting this ad? We took over a year of design, development, testing, changing and testing again but we are now proud to introduce you the all-new addition to MiniCat family - ‘GUPPY’. 52 kg Gesamtgewicht – 9,7 qm Segelfläche – 4,20 m Rumpflänge – passt in 2 Taschen. Dabei bleibt er immer noch super kompakt (in nur 2 Taschen) und ist im Auto oder auch Flugzeug leicht überall mit hinzunehmen. Minicat 310 SPORT2019 for sale: 3890.-EUR, and many other boats available on ... MiniCat 310 : Model za dve osebi Je majhen in lahek, vendar pravi katamaran - jadrnica ki nudi veliko užitka. This is something that has been suggested by many MiniCat owners and will make the transport of your MiniCat even easier. We are the number 1 distributor of minicat products in the United Kingdom. The Instinct is the base model 420. Ihre Frage wurde erfolgreich an unser Service-Team geschickt. Verkaufe LTBs 415 und 420. … Features: Used boat Minicat 420 instict, 4.2 metres in length, 2012. Enjoy our photo gallery and if you are already a MiniCat owner please send us your images so we can publish them here. Weitere Informationen finden Sie in unserer. Zitat aus der YACHT: “ Der Minicat ist ein Spaßboot, dass einem GFK Strandkat kaum nachsteht.Er ist zwar etwas langsamer- dafür kostet er deutlich weniger, braucht keinen Trailer und verschwindet im Winter im Keller.“, Wie der 420er aufgebaut wird > hier im Film <, mail:
Now re-launched and better than ever, 1000's of currently available boats for sale, for sale across the globe. I was myself was one of these people. Second-hand MINICAT EVOQUE 420 with engine, 4.2 m in length, and m beam length. 0. Auch für längere Touren geeignet (z.B unsere Segeltouren Halb-Rund-Mallorca, oder Insel-Hopping in Kroatien u. Thailand mit Zelt auf dem Boot ). Segelboot/Minicat 420 EMOTION; Oh snap! FOR SALE - Winston-Salem, NC - Looking to purchase a used minicat 420 or similar smartkat, ducky, or grabner happycat. Find out more. MINICAT Online-Shop Unschlagbar günstige MINICAT Sonderangebote Jetzt bequem, schnell & sicher online bestellen im Arts-Outdoors MINICAT-Shop Deutscher Fachhandel Blitzbestellung u.a. : A sail area/displacement ratio below 16 would be considered under powered; ... For Sale; Class/Owners Associations; Community Facebook; Twitter; LinkedIn; About About Us; Contact; Legal; Help; Advertising; Forum; Compare; Back. unhide ⚐ ⚑ flag ⚑ flagged Posted 2020-12-09 19:40 Contact Information: print. The MiniCat 420 is equipped with a main sail and the Instinct, Emotion and Evoque versions with a jib. Models. Minicat 420 Evoque Catamaran M0703 Brand New, Used Other Water Sports Equipment For Sale in Santry, Dublin, Ireland for 4000.00 euros on Both the main sail and the jib have a transparent windows to ensure better visibility and security while sailing. SKU: 11517-L Categories: Dollies, Type 15. Our Story. Minicat Minicat 420 for sale! Boats for sale: International > Europe > UK > Jeanneau. The boat is not perfect, has paint flaking off on the mast, and trampoline frame. Aucun produit dans ma liste de voeux devise € $ mesure. View 3028 boats for sale in the United States Advanced Search. Boat type. I have had this boat for a few years, always cleaned, dried and coated the hulls with protectant. MINICAT 420. Second-hand catamaran boat for sale in roma. Video Galerie. I own a 420 Emotion and never had so much fun with a small boat. MINICAT 420 . Post Reply. m ft langue. Motor Boats Multihull Motorboats Catamarans available. No product in your cart 0. It fits a wide range of functionality with the ability to mount an outboard and a total weight capacity of 992 pounds! Minicat 420. (2018, Emotion) I've had the boat out twice, in mostly light air, and it seems to perform pretty well, but I love to putter, and tweak. latest news. DVD- 1.Staffel! Sports and Fitness; Water Sports; Other; By buddy60 Posted September 10, 2019 ; Views 21; Click To View. : A sail area/displacement ratio below 16 would be considered under powered; ... For Sale; Class/Owners Associations; Community Facebook; Twitter; LinkedIn; About About Us; Contact; Legal; Help; Advertising; Forum; Compare; Back. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for 2015 Minicat 420 inflatable catamaran sailboat at the best online prices at eBay! Heb je liever een donkere pagina? Der 420er lässt sich vielseitig einsetzen, d.h. sportlich alleine oder zu zweit segeln, oder gemütlich cruisen mit 3-4 Personen. The MiniCat 420 comes in 5 different trim levels: Instinct, Emotion, Evoque, Laura Dekker Edition and Carbon.. All 420 models include a continuous line jib furler. 2021 is the 15th anniversary of the sale of our first MiniCat, so we are going to celebrate in style ... MINICAT FUN FESTIVAL 2021. special offer. LAURA DEKKER SAILS MINICAT; Sailing lesson- youtube; Video; Home » Products » Minicat 310 SPORT- SALE! Shop By Category Shop By Brand ABOUT BLOG MINICAT The world's favorite portable sailboat. (2018, Emotion) I've had the boat out twice, in mostly light air, and it seems to perform pretty well, but I love to putter, and tweak. Minicat 310 SPORT- SALE! Check out some similar items below! The Channel Islands exclusive supplier of Minicat Inflatable sailing Catamarans mit Kostenloser Versand ab 39,- € in DE Kundenservice: +49 (0) 6461-806954 Nl is the site with the best selection in the Netherlands. Apr 2, 2019 - Enjoy our photo gallery and if you are already a MiniCat owner please send us your images so we can publish them here.. . MiniCat 420 Instinct aufblasbarer Katamaran Segelboot hier im Shop für Katamarane von MINICAT unschlagbar günstig online bestellen Alle MINICAT Artikel ab 39€ versandfrei Deutscher Fachhandel Blitzbestellung u.a. The design is fresh, contemporary and eye catching and we are using a lot of new sail materials and colours. Sailboat Specifications. They are all fitted with the latest design ... USED BOATS FOR SALE. I has some upgrades such as a traveler on the main sheet. Meanwhile if you wish to buy GUPPY simply email us on or fill in the Inquiry form, or WhatsApp +420 776 749 175. Sailboat Specifications. kein Baum, d.h. nur ein durchgelattetes Groß (wie beim Minicat 310 o.460), Rollfock ist Vortag , d.h. kein zusätzliches Vortag ( wie 420 Emotion/Evoque). how to buy. Trailer Hitch Adapter (+ $ 275.00) Add to cart . Der größere Minicat 420 bietet mehr Platz und mehr Segelfläche. Post Options. All three sizes of MiniCat fit comfortably in any personal car. MiniCat is distributed worldwide by a Czech registered company Moravian Exports, s.r.o. Boats for Sale in UK, Europe, USA and around the world - Sailing Yachts, Motor Boats, Power Boats, Luxury Yachts Fishing Boats for sale . Sailboats Built By MiniCat (Dates indicate when boat was first built by any builder) gesetzlicher Mehrwertsteuer, zzgl. The MiniCat 420 comes in 5 different trim levels: Instinct, Emotion, Evoque, Laura Dekker Edition and Carbon.. All 420 models include a continuous line jib furler. Die Mindestbestellmenge für dieses Produkt ist 1. For earlier 420 models please see separate videos. Description; Bids; Favourite; Report Close. Home / Shop / MINICAT 420. 52 kg Gesamtgewicht – 9,7 qm Segelfläche – 4,20 m Rumpflänge – passt in 2 Taschen, Jetzt auch neu mit Gennaker-Option (10.5qm). View 3461 boats for sale in the United States Advanced Search. EURO €3480. It sails perfectly in 2-4 knots winds (to the annoyment of my KiteSurfer friends who have to sit and watch from the beach) and handles itself well in winds up to 20 knots (that requires some sailing skills, due to its low weight, minuscule fins and generous sail area). Why Minicat? Bitte schauen Sie auch auf unsere Webseite für weitere Infos. The World's Favorite Portable Sailboat. Sale of Catamarans sailboat reference 70665 This Kingfisher 450 Minicat is the Centre Console version and is an ideal boat for coastal fishing with excellent stability and ample room for 4 adults to fish. The new Minicat GUPPY is the latest model in the portable catamaran brand’s range, which currently consists of the three cats: Minicat 460, Minicat 420 and Minicat 310. (trading as MiniCat Worldwide) who became the exclusive worldwide distributor for MiniCat boats. Zu diesem Produkt gibt es noch keine Fragen von Kunden, Dieses Produkt jetzt als Erster bewerten ★★★★★, ExtaSea wasserdichte Handytasche Smartphone und Outdoor Hülle. Current Page: Home About. Quote Fishing Addiction. Buy a Minicat 420 online today on Price List & Ordering . The total area of the sails is 9.7 sqm (main sail 6.5 sqm, jib 3.2 sqm). MINICAT - shipyards - - Find all Multihulls World’s top tips to equip (electronics, fittings, sails, dinghies..), insure or finance your catamaran or trimaran! Minicat / GUPPY. Dann schreiben Sie bitte eine Mail an : . It has never been easier to take your boat on holidays without worrying about pulling a trailer behind!! About the MINICAT 420 sailboat Calculations Help SA/Disp. “The MiniCat is a little beast. Apr 16, 2019 - MiniCat 420 comes in four variations - 'Instinct', 'Emotion', 'Evoque' & 'Laura Dekker, Special Edition'. for sale > boats - by owner. Easy enough for a few kids to manage, but fast enough to keep Dad happy! Kingfisher - 450CC Minicat for sale. MINICAT 420 – 15TH ANNIVERSARY LTD EDITION. Interesse an einem Boot ?