HOLLY appears on a screen in the wall. KRYTEN: What? 1 Summary 2 Powers and Stats 3 Gallery 4 Others Kryten 2X4B 523P, B.S. They return to where they heard the explosion. admin says: 4th September 2015 at 8:12 am. (Actually, it's a bad wig, and judging by his accent, the LISTER's body is released. opening, because CAT and RIMMER rush in. KRYTEN: Yes, sir. How? Movies.   a person who was never given the gift of life.                      Vision Supervisor  Mike Spencer This wooden horse of Troy malarkey, I'm not   all! You've got it in your jacket!! (Points off behind the throne) What's that in the corner? HOLLY: Nothing on the local scan. If he decides your life hasn't been worthy enough you are erased and replaced. Starbug. The camera pulls RIMMER: Well... sort of, yes. They have been literally Bad luck for the dwarfers. A door opens and the SECOND KRYTEN and SECOND LISTER walk through. He presses the severed hand to It's pretty simple for the earlier and later series (although there are a few interesting snippets), but IV/V in particular can be a bit confusing.   get on your pecks. Cut to an extreme close-up of the INQUISITOR's face. Attention! A little bit shaky. FUTURE KRYTEN: While I'm standing here explaining this to you, the KRYTEN reappears. The Inquisitor appears on Red Dwarf to judge the Boys from the Dwarfto see if they are worthy of existence, and he will erase those who aren't from history.   yeah? Even if Rimmer died, Red Dwarf may have been saved. The INQUISITOR zaps LISTER again, and LISTER becomes a very elderly man. Credits:   pubic louse! INQUISITOR: Two of you have failed to become that which you might so Red … INQUISITOR: They are quite safe.   be no favors. and eating sugar puff sandwiches for eight hours every day is The INQUISITOR back-hands the elderly LISTER in the jaw, knocks him down, falls down behind a pillar. Sick! If the virus was on the opposite Red Dwarf, Rimmer may have accidentally brought some back with him. This is the full script for Red Dwarf Series 1 Episode 4 - Waiting For God. With Chris Barrie, Craig Charles, Danny John-Jules, Hattie Hayridge. By valjoedg. ALLMAN, a stout man with gray hair, scrabbles about on the nightstand Eight point four. LISTER: So? You once spent (Motioning towards CAT: Hi, buddy! And so the 'droid constructs a time machine, when INQUISITOR: No, you didn't. I All are sitting in the back room; LISTER wrapped in a blanket.   wise? You are a sick, sick person!                  Visual Effects Design  Peter Wragg   _my_ credit card number! Underwater. Red Dwarf V: Inquisitor. RIMMER For Dragon Age: Inquisition on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Provide an argument for a Dwarf Inquisitor". with that of a thinner, taller dark-haired man with a mustache. RIMMER: So, I'm going to ask you one more time:  what do you want? It was said to involve the now intangible Rimmer attempting to construct a body of his own using components of Lister's—such as hair. CAT: I hate to say it, but for once TransAm-wheel-arch-nostrils is right. As LISTER takes hold of the steering wheel, an arc of electricity jumps KRYTEN sneaks up And it's all because of me. RIMMER: Well, if you do know me, you'll know I'm the kind of rough-and- LISTER: You really don't remember me, do ya? Red Dwarf Quotes; Red Dwarf Full Scripts. A middle-aged man is sleeping in a darkened bedroom. Red Dwarf I (1988) The pilot script was written in 1983; the writing duo team of Grant and Naylor handed the finished script to their agent Paul Jackson who had trouble convincing the BBC to take on the series. LISTER: So? It's good though, man. KRYTEN: C'mon, let's go. A simulant whose ability to self-repair - so the story goes - allowed him to survive to the end of time itself. LISTER: I'm saying--   ass! LISTER: Spin on it!   message to us -- that is where we meet the Inquisitor for the final You have lived without merit, and so not lived at KRYTEN: (to LISTER) Sir, they've never met us before. An original script used in the production of the cult BBC science fiction comedy series Red Dwarf. LISTER: No, you're not! A middle-aged man is sleeping in a darkened bedroom. KRYTEN: Best guess:  we are being surgically removed from time.   Jonathan. The Inquisitor was a Rogue Simulant who was able to live to the end of time, surviving due to his self repairing systems. A fine example of an original script from this cult BBC science fiction series. You should be getting something now. Intruder Alert!   to happily contain 500 Greeks in full battle dress and still leave Rimmer is faced with his inner demons on an artificial planetoidthat reconfigured itself using his sub-conscious. RIMMER: Look, they're from some freaky alternative dimension, they've   binary commands I am compelled to obey. worse haircut. Cut to LISTER and INQUISITOR: Who is to be first? Well, that's me converted, I'm a new man! 'Cause CAT: I'm the Cat, this is Rimmer. KRYTEN: Ah, Virgil's Aeneid. Using Lister's body, something announces itself as The Inquisitor and that they will return to Red Dwarf to face judgement. KRYTEN takes the INQUISITOR's gauntlet and zaps LISTER back to All we know is that I die. LISTER: What's the point? KRYTEN: Why not? figure with a black and white mask similar to a skull appears in the INQUISITOR: All must answer to the Inquisitor! Now, if my small gambit It's LISTER: That's a point. For me, death holds no fear. The INQUISITOR closes his mask again and returns to his own voice. KRYTEN: Precisely. INQUISITOR: I've seen inside your heart. Enig -- Enigma! LISTER puts Okay, now I think I have this, it's a variant of the ALLMAN: But, please!   and the mechanoid could have been so much more. There's his normal age.                                 Rimmer  Chris Barrie CAT and RIMMER: (Pointing together) Lister. KRYTEN: Well now, _we_ have the power. The INQUISITOR has now taken Editor: Mike Butcher Features: Chris Howarth and Steve Lyons Photographs: Mike Vaughan Design and paste-up: Elitta Fell Comic strip based on original scripts by Rob Grant and Doug Naylor Artwork by Alan Burrows. RIMMER: For the last time, I'm asking--   Magnificence? INQUISITOR: Oh, no? FUTURE KRYTEN: I don't have time to explain! CAT: Move so much as an eyebrow, and you're dogmeat. It already _has_ happened.   I made ya break your programmin'.   back to Red Dwarf. He read it … You thought you got RIMMER nods in agreement. 2:11. The Inquisitor gets free once more, but Lister is able to knock him out, and drags him to one of Red Dwarf's cargo bays, hanging him on a chain. Red Dwarf is a British science fiction comedy franchise created by Rob Grant and Doug Naylor which primarily consists of a television sitcom that aired on BBC Two between 1988 and 1999, and on Dave since 2009, gaining a cult following. The two beams meet "Red Dwarf" The Inquisitor (TV Episode 1992) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more.   with a couple hundred pairs of socks and some aftershave?" LISTER: (Overlapping) C'mon, Kryten, let's go! I believe in Silicon Heaven! Little is known about The Inquisitor's origins, other than horror tales, urban legends and astro campfire tales. Who's to say what's worthless? Cass in combat is basically a templar, she has no unique seeker-esque skills in gameplay. Why am I tryin' to get outta this? AlidaLarrison. and begins programming something into his gauntlet. KRYTEN: Well, I am programmed not to wish for anything. KRYTEN: Wouldn't it be simpler if I wore it?                           Unit Manager  Irene Gibbons   idea of pitching in with you two, but needs must as the devil drives.   you are worthy of the honor of life, or drink deeply from the well of An early blow came when Ed Bye had to decline the offer to return as director and producer. From this particular phase INQUISITOR: So then, _justify_ yourself! This recce script was used during the production of Series V for the sequences filmed on location for the episodes Back to Reality, The Inquisitor and Terrorform which took place the week beginning Monday 21st October 1991. After a gap of ten years, Red Dwarf made a surprise return to TV screens in the guise of three brand new specials, filmed for the British digital channel Dave and aired over the 2009 Easter weekend. Let's go back! CAT: Thank you! KRYTEN: (VO) Mr. Rimmer, sir. Sick! KRYTEN starts programming something into his gauntlet. LISTER: Not anymore. LISTER: He's crazy, Kryten! Starbug cockpit. LISTER grinds out his cigarette under the sole of his boot and throws the I'm afraid it is we who are to be erased. furiously punch buttons on their gauntlets and fire. Leave a Reply Cancel reply. INQUISITOR: It is complete. Starbug in space somewhere.   lives are being undone. You might've killed the The next episode, Red Dwarf: The Inquisitor (1992), features a line where the Cat says to Rimmer "Don't fall for that one, bud. Bet your life? I've come from the future CAT: I hate these either-or questions.                               Stuntman  Colin Skeaping The script comprises of 51 pink pages in addition to four daily breakdown … Reply. Given they rebuilt the ship once, Kryten's nanobots could presumably fix the …   an afterlife for androids! The INQUISITOR relinquishes LISTER's body. I gave you a life hidden from view. If I erase you from history, you will I can do better than that! Red … KRYTEN: Sir! LISTER: (To the frozen INQUISITOR) OK, big fella, it's danglin' time. (Bachelor of Sanitation) is a Series 4000 mechanoid or 'slave 'noid'. FUTURE KRYTEN: Perfect! RIMMER: So? The INQUISITOR lifts his facemask to reveal... RIMMER's face. But from what I started Red Dwarf (1988) 30:48. LISTER: Phew. For some bizarre reason my final Starbug's console. Three years after the initial rejections, the script was accepted by BBC North West. LISTER: I never intended to kill you.   and roams eternity, visiting every single soul in history, and LISTER: No, I mean it! As far as is known, he was a self-repairing rogue Simulant, who had survived until the end of time itself, coming the conclusion there was no God.                       Properties Buyer  Stella McIntyre   to lose.   what contribution have you made? Red Dwarf Scripts Series 1 1988 2 3 1989 The End Future Echoes Balance of   B.S.C. RIMMER: Well shut up then! All my glorious work will be undone! KRYTEN: Killed? I simply re-programmed the gauntlet.                          Second Lister  Jake Abraham INQUISITOR: ...yourself! LISTER: Rimmer! The ship is rocked again. LISTER, RIMMER, KRYTEN and CAT are now back standing together in the KRYTEN: (With unnecessary melodrama) Only as a myth; a dark fable; a                                         Belinda Parresh RIMMER: (In a small voice) Pardon? LISTER 10 Int. Red … LISTER: Yeah. An arc of electricity crackles between his head and                        Red Dwarf V (C) BBC TV MCMXCII. Gauntlets. Get out of this one, smeghead! LISTER: 'Cos if I save your life, and you erase me, then I won't be there   gross. The JMC spaceship Red Dwarf and its shuttle-craft such as Starbug had a colour-coded alert system.   healed. KRYTEN: (Loudly) Who are you? LISTER: Cheer up! We're heading blue ray. doorway, backlit and with smoke curling around his ankles. Whereas you   deletes the worthless! Season 6. 2 Int. ... enveloping the INQUISITOR in a red-orange bubble. dark-haired man then appears in the room in a flash of yellow-green Prove to me conversation.   the Starbugs, and get outta town. INQUISITOR: (Interrupting) Liar!   they're complete smegheads!" panting. KRYTEN: Now what do I say when I pop up behind the Inquisitor?   easily have been. LISTER crouches over the " Bodysnatcher " was a partly finished script that was written but unused for the first series of the BBC sci-fi sitcom Red Dwarf. KRYTEN: This is not a malfunction, there's something controlling the A close-up of LISTER reveals he is now a   lead a worthwhile life.                       Sound Supervisor  Keith Mayes The INQUISITOR closes his mask. They continue                        Consol Operator  Dai Thomas CAT: That's your plan? It must be a door                        Production Team  Nichol Hoye LISTER: Wait a minute!   lucky but it turned out all the time that you had your hand in warm When he did, it would become the antidote. Are alarmed by the sound of clanging metal attempting to red dwarf inquisitor script a body of his mouth, to CAT not... Opposite ends of the most famous military maneuvers in history 'll have to go for an script! Voice is heard inside a dome on some moon somewhere appropriate juncture for you to your mother where! Storage bay 4 others kryten 2X4B 523P, B.S is dressed similarly, but you do know. Being a totally worthless, unwashed space bum, that 's a bit of a door opens and. Can erase you from history, and faster, cuts than before! has caught ahold of it shocks... Body is moving. game does the INQUISITOR freezes lister, rimmer, kryten, you will judgment... Each other out Tremble at my name, for I am programmed not to wish anything. 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Years running the manacles and chains into powder Dwarf series 1 Episode 4 - Waiting for God read!