Like the Divine Essence, the Divine Love possesses the power of self-determination.(J. (8)It was not for a single Christian as such, but for a world of sinners. If it contained nothing different from other books we might reasonably question its Divine origin. He first loved.2. "Now fire a shot if you dare, for if you do so, you defy the nations represented by those flags, and you will bring the powers of those two great empires upon you." H. "He gave His only begotten Son. Yea, but some things are not worth the giving, therefore —IV. Eternal: "loved." The love of God is —(1)The love of benevolence (Titus 3:4). Yet there must be some knowledge. This responsibility can only be discharged and the sinner saved by accepting the donation of Christ.4. )God's love for a sinning worldC. )God's love for a sinning worldC. If love in human form and in a fallen world be so Divine, what must it be in God Himself? Conclusion: That is our creed.1. If you enter into that, you will know that all this love is to you — that while Jehovah loves the world, yet He loves you as much as if there were nobody else in all the world to love.(C. Yea, but some things are not worth the giving, therefore —IV. In Adam's sin you did not sin personally, but by committing personal transgression you laid your hand upon it and made it your own. The Bible represents God as having the attributes of a kind and tender Father. LOVE IN ITS PUREST FORM. LOVE IN ITS GRANDEST SOURCE.1. — "Whosoever" has a finger for babes, and an arm for old men; it has an eye for the quick, and a smile for the dull. An universal need is here universally provided for.II. Whitefield the Calvinist and Wesley the Arminian differed on many points, but when a man asked, "What must I do to be saved?" There stood the man, and before him the soldiery, and though a single shot might have ended his life, yet he was as invulnerable as though encased in triple steel. To prevent dreadful evil.2. Sinners may place themselves beyond the reach of mercy.2. New and Divine revelation: God is love.II. Thomas, D. D.It is not like a banquet, accommodated to the tastes and wants of so many and no more. Beecher. (4)We ought to love one another.(R. "Upon this, he made a second present of equal value.Faith in Christ is certain salvationC. He makes for the Saviour — he clasps Him — he cleaves to Him. All the joys of life are joys of trust. C. Jones, D. D.)The love of God as seen in the gift of ChristC. Only Christ has borne this great name. Guiness Rogers, B. A.I. And this love is not a mere relenting which might lead to a respite, or simple regret which might end in a sigh. This will show that the love of the king was seen all the more from the justice of his administration.(S. H. What a company would be gathered, and what an anxious inquiry there would be! The manner. )The naturalness of God's loveS. (2) God was originally so full of mercy that He was willing to stoop to any sacrifice except that of truth and justice in order to save man. BY COMPARISON OF THE PARTIES LOVING AND LOVED. The heathen gods demand a sacrifice, but never provide it; the gospel God both demands it and provides it. (2) By those who suppose that the Bible represents God as originally a stern and inexorable Being placated by Christ, and that now He is only mild and benignant to a few.2. It is the condition of all else that is prized. W. "Well, that certainly is very easy and simple. LOVE IN ITS GRANDEST SOURCE.1. The second was so strangely like his father that he seemed a reproduction of him, and the mother said that she would never part with him. John the Baptist came from God.(J. There we see the reign of law: sin and suffer. Had God's love been such we had never been redeemed. D. Barrows.I. Eternal: "loved." ness, she goeth on conquering and to conquer. This is illustrated in the miracles of Christ. LOVE IN ITS WIDEST SPHERE. G. Jones, D. D. — Transport yourselves in imagination to Athens or Rome; observe closely the images of the gods, in motley crowds on either hand of you; see the rivers of red blood flowing towards them. C. ITS CHARACTERISTICS.1. If a passing billow sweep him from it, with all his might he will make for it again, and grasp it faster than ever. It extends to all mankind.II. He looked all around, expecting to see a man spring forward at once; still no one arose, and he turned to the officer of the prison and said, "Are all the convicts here?" )Christ not the cause but the manifestation of God's loveJ. What He gave — His Son. LOVE IN ITS HIGHEST FORM. C. Jones.I.The everlasting FATHER.II.The everlasting SON.III.The everlasting LOVE.IV.The everlasting LIFE.(J. Kings and queens may find room in it; and so may thieves and beggars. LOVE IN ITS SUBLIMEST MANIFESTATION. )LinksJohn 3:16 NIVJohn 3:16 NLTJohn 3:16 ESVJohn 3:16 NASBJohn 3:16 KJVJohn 3:16 Bible AppsJohn 3:16 ParallelJohn 3:16 Biblia ParalelaJohn 3:16 Chinese BibleJohn 3:16 French BibleJohn 3:16 German BibleJohn 3:16 CommentariesBible Hub, (7)It was a love of amazing strength. The test of love is sacrifice; the criterion of its strength is the measure of the sacrifice. "Of course not," replied the miner, "As I have said, you have nothing to do but to get into the cage." H. THE PLAN OF SALVATION ORIGINATED IN THE LOVE OF GOD.1. The origin of Christ's mission was the love of God.2. HOW THIS GIFT WAS THE HIGHEST, FULLEST MANIFESTATION OF THE LOVE OF GOD THAT EVER THE WORLD SAW. Men had no claim upon Him, but there were infinite reasons why He should not destroy them. Repent of treating it so negligently.2. C. Jones, D. D.The law of gravitation existed from the foundation of the world, it daily exerted its influence, keeping the stars in their orbits, and swinging them around their respective centres. The "world" is not here used in a restrictive sense. Amid the hush of that gathered company the officer sternly commanded to do his duty dashed out one of the prince's eyes. Beith, D. D.)God's love to the worldBible Notes and Queries.This verse is one of the gems of the Bible, a star of the first magnitude. The third article is — WHOSOEVER BELIEVETH IN CHRIST, etc. G. Jones, D. D. — Transport yourselves in imagination to Athens or Rome; observe closely the images of the gods, in motley crowds on either hand of you; see the rivers of red blood flowing towards them. Eternal life the gift of Divine love to all who believe in Christ.II. (2) The presence of such a truth in the Bible forms one of the most powerful vindications of its authority. A third time the blessed words were repeated; and with this emphatic response, "That is true, I feel it." God loved each, therefore all.7. THE EXPRESSION OF HIS LOVE WAS THE HIGHEST THAT IT COULD POSSIBLY BE.1. In the Divine government, love is the central element, and justice only incidental. That in giving Christ He gave the richest jewel in His cabinet.4. Yet God so loved us that, to put it very strongly, He seemed to love us better than His only Son, and did not spare Him that He might spare us. Do you think she had not natural sensitiveness? Luther maintained that justification by faith was the test of a standing or a falling Church. C. ness, she goeth on conquering and to conquer. On whom the gift was bestowed. SIN IS THE MOST EXPENSIVE THING IN THE UNIVERSE.1. If it contained nothing different from other books we might reasonably question its Divine origin. "Now fire a shot if you dare, for if you do so, you defy the nations represented by those flags, and you will bring the powers of those two great empires upon you." A present realization.2. To rescue man from perishing.2. He represented God as the Good Shepherd, who goes after the lost one until it is found, and bears it to His home upon His shoulders with rejoicing. The thought of this awful perdition made Jesus weep over Jerusalem and say, "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem: thou that killest the prophets and stonest them that are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, as a hen doth gather her brood under her wings, and ye would not."(Rev. The third article is — WHOSOEVER BELIEVETH IN CHRIST, etc. He must manifest it in a way worthy of Himself. (1)Only begotten. THE DUTY. What will the king do? R. Brewin.What is it to perish? Man's true happiness must ever be found in God, and in other beings only as they are Godlike. The part which the Son took in this stupendous work.4. He loved those who deserved no such love.2. I am deeply thankful for this blessed text; for if I am a lot unmentioned in any other catalogue, I know that this includes me: I am beyond all question under the shade of "whosoever." There is no change in God, or in His love. LOVE IN ITS NOBLEST INTENTION.1. He represented God as the Good Shepherd, who goes after the lost one until it is found, and bears it to His home upon His shoulders with rejoicing. Universal because particular. Moody. The world was at enmity with God. No end of odd people come to the Tabernacle, or read my sermons; but they are all within the range of "whosoever."(C. His eye rests on the only hope, the only rock in the wide ocean of wrath, the Rock of Ages, the Lord Jesus. Amid the hush of that gathered company the officer sternly commanded to do his duty dashed out one of the prince's eyes. The law of God must not be dishonoured by anything He shall do. This did not engender or excite His love, it only manifested it.2. In THE POSSESSION. This involves them in the greatest responsibility.3. Brewin.)WhosoeverC. The text makes no distinction in the kind or degree of faith. THE EXPRESSION OF HIS LOVE WAS THE HIGHEST THAT IT COULD POSSIBLY BE.1. W. (b)The favour of God which Christ died to recover (2 Corinthians 5:17). The Divine love is not the effect, but the cause. THE WAY GOD TOOK TO EXPRESS HIS LOVE. Otherwise no man could be sure that it was made for himself.IV. It is not a question whether faith shall be the condition of salvation. It is to die in our sins, without bright angels to smile upon us as they wait to carry us away from earth; to die without the Saviour's glorious presence to cheer us in the valley of the shadow of death. It is evident that the text cannot mean merely to assert that God loved and admired the material world or the things of the world, as these need no salvation, and are not capable of being saved, and the love of God to the world, in the text, is said to have special reference to its salvation. The entire welfare of a government and its subjects turns upon obedience.3. It is always a sore strain on mercy when solicited for the wilful. LOVE IN ITS PUREST FORM. It is one thing to help the happy and prosperous and another to succour the needy and miserable.2. H. Spurgeon. The connection of our duty and privilege. To part is to perish; and so he clings — and how anxiously! Beecher. Such a gift as that of His only begotten Son is the highest conceivable gift, and this Christ intends to convey. G. Finney, D. D.)God's wonderful loveR. The universality of the proposal.3. Meeting the foreman on his way back to the shaft he asked him what he thought of God's manner of saving men. IN ITS SOURCE. Thou needst not climb to heaven, nor descend to hell for it; the word is nigh thee; on thy lip, and in thy heart if thou believest on the Lord Jesus with thy heart, and with thy mouth makest confession of Him, thou shalt be saved.What is it to perishRev. In the Divine government, love is the central element, and justice only incidental. Hence the expense. "Think, massa!" The Bible represents God as having the attributes of a kind and tender Father. God wishes to exhaust all means of kindness before His hand takes hold on justice. Here, then, we have hit upon the radical difference between paganism and Christianity. "God so loved," etc.1. Spurgeon. John the Baptist came from God.(J. The essential means of salvation is the free gift of God. Has God so loved the world as to give, etc.? Doubt is the great gulf fixed between you and God, but faith is the link which binds us to Him. Beith, D. D.)God's love to the worldBible Notes and Queries.This verse is one of the gems of the Bible, a star of the first magnitude. This love is —1. Universal because particular. This love is —1. Unlike other sons, He has a position of His own, and His name is an incidental but most powerful proof of His Divinity. Glover.I. H. Spurgeon.I. ITS MANNER. A second time he beckoned to Reuben, and called to him, and the second time the man looked around to see where Reuben was, until at last the chaplain said to him, "You are the man, Reuben;" and he rose up out of his seat and sank back again, thinking it could not be true. Coley. )The power of God's loveA. asked a missionary of some Indians. Peers and paupers sit on one seat in this word. Easy to say, impossible to realize in all its augustness. At work, inside burning buildings, Capt. W. (4) That our obedience may be more ready (Hebrews 5:8, 9).2. The subject casts a shadow by its very brightness on your unbelief, state, prospects.(A. Either the law must be executed at the expense of the race, or God must suffer the worse results of disrespect to His law, or a substitute be provided who shall both save the sinner and honour the law.II. A third time the blessed words were repeated; and with this emphatic response, "That is true, I feel it." (1)In the councils of eternity. S. MacArthur, D. D.)The love of God self-originatedJ. No speaker ever had the power of condensing great principles into so narrow a compass as the Lord Jesus.I. We admire other qualities; we only love the loving.4. There are many well-instructed people who shrink from the thought of infidelity. There is nothing in the love or sacrifice of the Father and the Son to prevent the whole world being saved. Were man to make a feast, his invitations would not be to every one, for his ability to provide would have a limit. S. MacArthur, D. D.I. To believe in Christ — what is it? THE MANIFESTATION OF THIS LOVE. It is like the wood which Moses took and placed in the bitter waters of Mara. It is evident that the text cannot mean merely to assert that God loved and admired the material world or the things of the world, as these need no salvation, and are not capable of being saved, and the love of God to the world, in the text, is said to have special reference to its salvation. Come hither, ye astronomers, that with your optic glasses spy out spaces before which imagination staggers, come hither and encounter calculations worthy of all your powers! This will be evidenced if you consider —1. But when they cannot tell what you yearn to know Jesus comes, and there is light over all the darkness and despair of life. Sinners may place themselves beyond the reach of mercy.2. Blood from the image: that is the essence of Christianity. Disinterested: for He had nothing to hope or fear; no profit to make out of the saved.4. This is restored by Christ, who is the pattern (2 Corinthians 3:18) and author (Titus 3:5, 6). It had nothing to attract it and everything to repel it.1. ITS CHARACTERISTICS.1. (1)It was the only kind of love that could have been important to man. This will show that the love of the king was seen all the more from the justice of his administration.(S. L. Moody. Flavel.I. Hell yawns beneath to engulf him. When love puts on her own golden armour, and bears her sword bright with her own unselfish. When hailed by another vessel, they reported themselves as "Dying for water!" The mode of human redemption. John the Baptist came from God.(J. St. Peter says, "According to His abundant mercy He hath begotten us again." Whitefield the Calvinist and Wesley the Arminian differed on many points, but when a man asked, "What must I do to be saved?" "Read it again," asked the arrested pagan. Not only He came from God, but He came out of God. It existed from the first; only a century or two ago was it made manifest. Satan tempts us to view God as unlovely or to entertain unworthy thoughts of His mercy. Morris. It is most interesting to study the character of God according to the teaching of Jesus. The Divine love for mankind.2. If a passing billow sweep him from it, with all his might he will make for it again, and grasp it faster than ever. To do this for all who believe:(1)of every character;(2)country;(3)rank;(4)age.(J. Be not ashamed of it.3. W. Morris. The third article is — WHOSOEVER BELIEVETH IN CHRIST, etc. Conclusion: That is our creed.1. Disinterested: for He had nothing to hope or fear; no profit to make out of the saved.4. "He gave His only begotten Son. G. Finney, D. D.)God's wonderful loveR. It was no lip love, but a giving love. The essential means of salvation is the free gift of God.II. "Yes, indeed; that was a laborious and expensive work. Coley. Unspeakable: "so"II. The sad condition of those whom it proposes to affects" should not perish." what is the loathsomeness of cankered wounds compared with the loathsomeness of sin to God? The test of love is sacrifice; the criterion of its strength is the measure of the sacrifice. It is to be turned away from the shut door of our Father's mercy, because, like the foolish virgins, we are not ready when the bridegroom comes. This should be the tidings of great joy to all people. J. Morris.If we could but hear the words for the first time, and without prepossessions either of Pharisaic error or logical orthodoxy, hear them with nothing but consciousness of sin and thirst for life, before the love of God had been hardened into doctrine, and the only begotten Son has become a quarrel for the schools. The glorious state to which the love of God proposes to raise all He found in this sad condition, "but have everlasting life." What more could He give? In its guilt, therefore His love was a love of benevolence. But when they cannot tell what you yearn to know Jesus comes, and there is light over all the darkness and despair of life. Even so Jesus Christ has taken my poor guilty soul ever since I believed in Him, and has wrapped around me the blood-red flag of His atoning sacrifice, and before God can destroy me or any other soul that is wrapped in the atonement, He must insult His Son and dishonour His sacrifice, and that He will never do, blessed be His name.(C. The sinner has but to stoop down and drink and live.(C. Come hither, ye astronomers, that with your optic glasses spy out spaces before which imagination staggers, come hither and encounter calculations worthy of all your powers! (1)No other mercy can be so dear to God as Jesus is. THE PLAN OF SALVATION ORIGINATED IN THE LOVE OF GOD.1. Negatively: that man might not loose himself utterly from God, duty, happiness. What an awful curse is unbelief!4. (4) That our obedience may be more ready (Hebrews 5:8, 9).2. The pinch of hunger became unbearable, and their children pleading for bread tugged so painfully at their heart-strings, that they must entertain the idea of selling one to save the lives of the rest. He had been there for nineteen years, having been placed there for life; and when he came up and took his pardon he could hardly believe his eyes, and he went back to his seat and wept like a child: and then, when the convicts were marched back to their cells, Reuben had been so long in the habit of falling into line and taking the lock step with the rest that he fell into his place, and the chaplain had to say, "Reuben, come out; you are a free man."(D. these exceptions. The essence of His nature.2. Nothing can be simpler or more common than trust, the child's first lesson and act. J. ParryWe often hear of counter currents, but was there ever such a counter current as is implied here! In like manner the love of God existed from eternity, from days of old. A man had been condemned in a Spanish court to be shot, but being an American citizen and also of English birth, the consuls of the two countries interposed, and declared that the Spanish authorities had no power to put him to death. The gift.2. But in the Incarnation and Propitiation was it revealed, only then did it force itself upon the obtuse vision of the world. As sin is this it cannot be treated lightly. If God had seemed to connive at this, all other beings might have denied the justice of the law and disobeyed it also. Yea, but though never so excellent a gift be given, yet if it be not of use and profit to whom it is given, it doth not so testify love. Do you not sympathize with them? It is a necessity in the nature of things. To bestow unspeakable good.(A. Therefore His love is self-moved — the world not as made by God, but as ruined by the devil; consequently there was nothing in it to attract the Divine love.3. said the preacher. Having eternal life. What is it to believe in Jesus?1. Gaskin, M. Broad: "whosoever."2. The generations have never been able to forget Him. In like manner you must accept and appropriate the atonement of Jesus.3. Mankind is not a larger family for God to love than is yours for you.II. So the awakened sinner feels. But there may be little knowledge and strong faith, and much knowledge and no faith. Come ye, who map the sea and land, and make a chart of this word "so." H. Spurgeon.Come, ye surveyors, bring your chains, and try to make a survey of this word "so." Young men and maidens, whosoever offers its embrace to you! It is not a question whether faith shall be the condition of salvation. But was he neglected? A. Coley. Ah! Still, if a man have faith at all he will be saved.III. )The glory of the GospelD. C. (1)In the councils of eternity. There is a love of friendship, brotherly love, parental love, conjugal love, a love of country or patriotism, and a love of God, or religion. Fear not its future. Flavel.I. Therefore God cannot influence us unless we give Him our confidence. H. S. MacArthur, D. D.)The love of God self-originatedJ. Newton, D. D.)God's love and its giftJ. Not the "elect" world, which God loves with the love of complacency.2. (d)By His ascension the truth of eternal life was more confirmed. THE MANIFESTATION OF THIS LOVE. L. Moody. HOW THIS GIFT WAS THE HIGHEST, FULLEST MANIFESTATION OF THE LOVE OF GOD THAT EVER THE WORLD SAW. (Bible Notes and Queries. God most high and holy loved the base and wicked world.II. He makes for the Saviour — he clasps Him — he cleaves to Him. There is no change in God, or in His love. LOVE IN ITS PUREST FORM. What more could He give? Therefore His love is self-moved — the world not as made by God, but as ruined by the devil; consequently there was nothing in it to attract the Divine love.3. "He gave His only begotten Son. All that is needed, therefore, is the entrustment of the heart to God. On any lips this would be a wonderful word, but in the lips of Christ "love" meant all that was in His own heart. Kings and queens may find room in it; and so may thieves and beggars. Does blood flow towards it No: blood flows from it. The vessel is an utter wreck. HOW GOD IS AFFECTED TOWARDS THE COSMOS: He loved it.1. "If God loved us," etc.2. )The love of GodA. Man redeemed and renewed is to live to the utmost of his capacity of life. If love in human form and in a fallen world be so Divine, what must it be in God Himself? Wherever there is a man in the way to perish, there is the world God loved. But to find happiness in such a god as that of which the highest conception is realized in the mythology of Greece, the idolatry of Moab, or the dogmas of the Pharisees is out of the question. GOD'S LOVE IS SO GREAT AS TO PROMPT TO DELIVERANCE.III. The sad condition of those whom it proposes to affects" should not perish." (1) This is a doctrine distinctive of the Bible. )The love of God is a necessity of His own natureH. To confer upon man the boon of everlasting life.3. "Be imitators of God as dear children." It is one thing to help the happy and prosperous and another to succour the needy and miserable.2. "The gods never think of loving," was the cheerless answer. This life in all its perfection is the end of God. "Do your gods love you?" C. Jones, D. D.)The love of God as seen in the gift of ChristC. The sinner has but to stoop down and drink and live.(C. God says, "Thou hast destroyed thyself, but in Me is thy help."III. No. In considering this subject, we must carefully bear in mind that Jesus Christ was not a mere man, but God who assumed a human form and nature. To get to the utmost of His love.3 more common than trust, the order of creation, arrangement! The source from which all the attributes are colours.3 highest, FULLEST manifestation of the sacrifice... 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