Just like any subject we teach at school, studying religion shouldn’t be the study of a series of isolated facts, but sometimes some very basic knowledge offers perspective and opens up a whole new world that they hitherto didn’t have a chance to know about. By using this site, you agree to our Privacy Policy and our Terms of Use. School officials may not punish students for refusing to participate in these religious activities. Dont bring it into my schools >:3. If you have a strong opinion about your religion then look for the right place for you. Plus we are people too. In 1970, a little fewer than 5 percent of … In recent years, public schools have been dealing with some serious issues, including school... 2. 9 Pros and Cons of Embryonic Stem Cell Research, 28 Perfect Songs for 50th Birthday Slideshow, 10 Advantages and Disadvantages of Nuclear Fusion, 22 Best Songs for 60th Birthday Slideshow, 27 Perfect Songs for 40th Birthday Slideshow, 25 Perfect Songs for 80th Birthday Slideshow. Students should also be allowed to follow and practice their own independent religious beliefs, but the school should not mandate compulsory worship. Religiously motivated hate crimes are on the rise.. Yes, it is true that religion is important to some people, but not everyone. Students who are not religious, or practice a religion that is different than the majority of the school, would be excluded from many activities during the day. I'm a sophomore in high school and am an atheist. Religious retreats and classes should be offered by the school. This debate, however, is no where near a cut and dry issue. Should Religion Be Allowed In Schools? A public school cannot stop its students from praying on school grounds, so long as the religious expression is not disruptive. The involvement of religion in public schools is … Religion Should NOT Be Taught in Public Schools In most countries, religion is separated from education. Everyday at my school I hear about drugs and bullying. People need to know about religion to have the chance to say yes or no. This idea could hurt the kids that support one religion that many others think is wrong. Fine Line This study conveys that most Americans disagree with the Founding Fathers and the Constitution. Because many religions do have strong ethical and moral values in them, people feel that they are a great place to start for introducing ethics and morals into children’s lives. Religion does have a place in school: as a part of lessons meant to show various religions’ place in history as well as their similarities and differences. The constitution dictates that every person has the right to practice whatever religion they would like, at anytime and anywhere that they would like. The bottom line, however, is that religion is a voluntary practice and students can worship or pray at any time they would like, on their own. CTRL + SPACE for auto-complete. The reason this shouldn't be allowed in a public school is that it changes the viewpoints of the children learning from these teachers and it disallows them from expressing their personal views without the threat of punishment. Opponents of religion in schools often bring up the issue of church and state. Is it right for a Catholic child to not be able to participate in a class activity because it promotes Islamic practices? This is a balanced decision, as a civilized society implies the ability of each person to make an individual choice and believe in their values. I think religion SHOULD be taught in schools. Right? Schools may teach about religion, explain the tenets of various faiths, discuss the role of religion in history, literature, science and other endeavors, and the like, as long as it has a secular purpose to promote educational goals, and there is no effort to promote or inhibit any religious belief. On the other hand, my obviously religious English teacher (who's pretty much shoving religion down our throats at this point and forcing us to make a sermon) watches us and makes sure we say the pledge and have our hands over our hearts and all that. Banning religion from schools is unconstitutional to religious students who want to practice or worship during the school day. People need to know about religion to have the chance to say yes or no. My school doesn't allow a gay-straight alliance club, but they allow a Christian club. The religious neutrality in our schools is, I would argue, one of our strengths. No one should be forced to fund religious education whether they disagree—or even agree—with what is taught. There cannot be an infinite series of past causes. And continued to talk as if it would make the situation better.The reason I'm listing these stories is that this is a public school I'm talking about, not one with religion in it. Putting religion into schools would help them to become more well rounded and well adjusted to the world around them. The society is diverse and unique. With the demographic of students becoming more and more diverse, certain things have been omitted from the school day in public schools. It promotes religious freedom. The reason religion shouldn't be taught in school is because not everyone worships the same religion and that would cause issues among students and staff and their would be to much discrimination among people and students would argue about how the earth and the universe was created and which religion is true. I'm reminded of the book of Esther in the Bible. Prayer in the Public School System Essay 4041 Words | 17 Pages. Public schools are funded by the tax payers of the community. Religion in our public schools creates divisiveness, and awareness of religious differences often builds walls between students. Engel v.Vitale (1962) Prohibited recitation of a school-sponsored,nonsec-tarian prayer as violation of Establishment Clause ban on government creating and sponsoring a religious activity. Ignorance breeds intolerance, so the more knowledge we have of different religions, the better - it should not favour one religion specifically though. Placing religion into schools would help to instill a better moral compass in students at a younger age, effectively reducing the problems in the public school systems. 1 The Bible may be taught in a school, but only for its historical, cultural or literary value and never in a devotional, celebratory or doctrinal manner, or in such a way that encourages acceptance of the Bible as a religious document. And if at least the major religions are given equal weight (although that's never been tested, but it would probably pass - giving all religions equal weight would take 12 years all by itself). (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Write CSS OR LESS and hit save. Why only in a place of worship why not in a school too? Your taxpayer dollars fund secular education, not religious education. So yea i think that there should be religion in schools because people need to have a choice as to what religion they learn about. In the first amendment is states that the Constitution prevents the Congress to make laws that prohibits the freedom to freely exercise religion and "abridging" our freedom of speech. CHECK MATE. All Scientist know this information so why are they lying to us?? I would not enjoy the company of people who don't want to accept evidence and just go with faith. Therefore, there exists a first cause which did not come into existence. I am a student in junior high, I am religious and I have studied the... Freedom of speech and religion!! I think that there should be class that teach you about a religion. People argue whether students should learn about world religions in school or no. I will not say the name of a religious leader nor will i hear you say the name of a religious leader in my school. Maybe you're Catholic, and you want your child's education centered around those particular set of values. According to Discover and Space.Com during a interview with a Scientist Vilenkin it states "Vilenkin says he has convincing evidence in hand: The universe had a distinct beginning — though he can’t pinpoint the time. It's allowed in schools run by religions. I have seen many different religions in my school we are all very closed off and we live in a small community so we aren't open minded. Excludes Students Religion should be prohibited in public schools. No. The Constitution states that every individual has the right to practice whatever... 3. By doing so, it would be a violation of the First Amendment which would upshot in the kind of large extent lawful conflict so widespread in the modern general public. I don't think a public high school should be advocating a religious group, whether it's optional or not. ), making the argument that 'our country was founded on Christian principles' invalid. There are absolutely no restrictions on what students are allowed to bring up in the classroom because a teacher, as a government agent, is not allowed to inhibit the free expression of religion. Why is it that we are able to speak the name of God with friends and peers but not in the classrooms? Following two U.S. Supreme Court decisions in 1962 and 1963, organized prayer was banned in all American public schools. This study conveys that most Americans disagree with the Founding Fathers and the Constitution. For years now there has been a heated debate about whether or not prayer should be allowed in school,. Therefore, religion in any other way than practiced privately by the individual (silent prayer) in a way that does not disrupt school proceedings and an impartial, purely educational 'World Religions'-type curriculum has no place in schools. We are allowed to speak about some religions but not others we are allowed to talk about them in history, language, any class but science, unless we have scientific proof. Yes, it is true that religion is important to some people, but not everyone. Certain topics that are taught in school may cause conflicts within the religious teachings of some religions. Would you like it if you had to break the laws of what you beleive to go to school? America will never truly be free if we can't even stand up and start believing in what WE believe in without being discriminated...In my opinion someone is always gonna be offended. This would help the children to be more accepting and educated on other people’s beliefs. Now we all learn that something can't be made out of nothing it's just NOT possible. Contradicting Education I said I was part of it and he said "So you're an acronym as well!" (And, actually, contrary to popular belief, they didn’t declare all religion to be unconstitutional in public schools. In 1890, Catholic parents in my state of Wisconsin brought suit against the practice of devotional reading of the (Protestant) bible in the public schools. This exclusion would likely make the student the target of bullying and further prejudices. Outside of a class like 'World Religions' (that teaches about all major religions, without putting an emphasis or a detectable preference on a specific one), religion has no place in a public school. I like to listen to Christian music while I'm working. And when the students in your school understand this, then they can indeed be a great witness among their peers. There is evidence that show that God is true and proves that the BBT is a BIG FAT F'IN LIE!! The BBT supports that something can't come from nothing so there had to be something to create what we live in. I am a student in junior high, I am religious and I have studied the Constitution, and the ideas of the founding fathers. Most people are Native but there are at least half of the kids in my school that are Christian and we don't get a choice as to what we learn. The football team prays to god, there is a bible circle (but no other forms of religious worship is supported by the school), and if you dont say all of the pledge of allegience (under god) you are reprimanded. Religious Freedom Maybe its a technical school and your child is a gifted engineer. Religious Education should definitely be allowed. A Well Rounded Education There is one part of history that is not given any attention and that is of the birth, death, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ son of God. I can see how Scientist are soooo bias!! In America today, there is an endless fight over prayer in public schools. Organizing religious activities and prayer directly goes against the first amendment of the constitution when implemented in a public school setting. Why is it allowed for almost the entire school to recite a paragraph that ends in the belief of a god. Inspire Harmony If religious practices where allowed into the classroom then students would have the opportunity to learn about different religions and cultures first hand. I also hate the attitude that come with most religions, their smugness, close-mindedness, ignorance and bigotry. No, religion should not be allowed in public schools at least. I know my high school has a group that meets one day a week to pray and discuss their beliefs. God is not explicitly mentioned in the book, but that did not mean that God was not at work in the story. Public schools may not teach religion, although teaching about religion in a secular context is permitted. (Academic reputation is also really why parents "choose" these schools – only 9% of parents consider religion to be one of their three most important factors when picking a school.) There are multiple levels that have to be evaluated when making a decision on religion in public schools. They said that a religious people is a moral people. Public schools are dealing with some very heavy issues in the recent years. In America today, there is an endless fight over prayer in public schools. There are so many mixed up stereotypes that society has made. Students shouldn't have to miss out because school's go against their faith. Where i live most of the things that we learn about are catered around First Nations religion. Schools are there to not only teach children basic things, but help to mold them as an adult as well. It helps me focus on doing my homework and other school activities. There are so many mixed up stereotypes that society has made. We need it! There is a very thin line between teaching and preaching and many parents feel extremely uncomfortable with their child being preached to about religious matters that they have no control or say over. Now if we put that 7% in with the 41% who don't believe and the 18% who believe in a universal spirit but not God that would be 66% of the Scientist population to NOT believe in God and leaves a 33% to believe. Four Reasons Why You Should Teach About Religion in School 1. I feel like a youth group that meets outside of school can accomplish the same thing. In other words, the first cause always existed." Let’s look at all of the arguments for and against. Why is this? “If schools cannot accommodate more than one religion then we should take out religion in our education system; it should be gone. From Ba’al to Zeus to Ra to Paganism to Christianity to Islam to Mormonism and Atheism. Critics of the idea of having organized prayer in schools would say that children should go to the classroom for educational purposes instead of religious observance. Allowed public schools to excuse students to attend religious classes away from school property. Church and State were not intended to be seperated Scientist think what you can't see isn't there, well let's see the BBT (Big Bang Theory). Should Religion Be Allowed In Schools? I know that is bullying but maybe if we keep things like that to ourselves we shouldn't have to worry about them being bullied or hurt for the way they do their prayers or the way they can't eat certain foods. All religions. Our student body is more diverse.. But i want to learn about different religion and expand my beliefs. Public schools may not inculcate nor inhibit religion. Throughout my life I have wondered who I would be if I hadn't been raised in a church, and I fear the thought of it when I look around me. A public school teacher may not pray with or in front of students during the school day. A recent study shows over 61% of students and parents prefer to allow religion and prayer spoken in schools and in the classrooms (Klein). I don’t think this is right. This is a gate for ones to get bullied or people to become a bully. Students should be free to practice their beliefs, but those beliefs should not be institutionalized, Why the hell is it a good idea to take a place of learning and science, and cram it full of ghost stories from various religions that most kids wouldnt ever even give a single damn about religion. Subjects like science and history have contradictory lessons which may invoke confusion in the students. 2. DR. Gregory E. Ganssle says what I have stated to be the obvious, "Everything which comes into existence is caused to exist by something else. For more than a … Here is where things get interesting, "Big Bang theory does not prove that the universe had a beginning, but it supports this claim. It's allowed in publicly funded schools - if it's taught as something that some people believe. 8. See, the fact here is that it's a public school. We’ve all heard the arguments. If a child’s parents are not religious or do not agree with the religion of the majority, then they may be highly opposed to paying taxes that fund these religious activities and programs. A recent study shows over 61% of students and parents prefer to allow religion and prayer spoken in schools and in the classrooms (Klein). I attended two Church of England Primary Schools in my youth - morning assemblies were comparable to brainwashing. Mostly because of science. We have to respect other cultures and their status. Inspire Harmony With today’s constitutional law, everyone is allowed to choose what they want and which religion to affiliate themselves with. In either the 9th or 10th grade (15-17 years old … once children can think and … 4. Putting a focus on religion in schools is a direct violation of these laws. According to the U.S. Department of Justice’s Hate Crime... 2. If you have a strong opinion about your religion then a private school is probably the place for you. God is a part of history and is also a science. School officials should require religious clubs to follow the same rules as all other student clubs, including adherence to any nondiscrimination policy. … Teaching religion in schools helps students understand the differences among the principles of each and every religion. However, a teacher who attended the same place of worship could pray with or in front of students in that place of worship. If students are allowed to speak God's word and pray then why can't teachers as long as they don't tell other students that they have to believe god is real. The retreats I've gone to have helped calm me down. There are students that don't believe in any religion and they must be respected. One other thing, the latest survey (2009) shows that 33% scientist believe in God, 18% don't believe in God but in a supernatural universal spirit, 41% DON'T BELIEVE IN EITHER, and 7% don't know. Why Religion Should Not Be Allowed in Public Schools 1604 Words | 7 Pages. The issue of religion in schools poses many questions, but there are no clear cut answers. If you teach kids made up stuff from a dusty old book, do it at church. If religious practices where allowed into the classroom then students would have the opportunity to learn about different religions and cultures first hand. I feel if religious practices or holy books are taught in school, it should be to compare them ALL or as historical documents(books). I am OK with doing my homework. This would help the children to be more accepting and educated on other people’s beliefs. Religion does not belong in publicly funded schools. Placing religion into schools would help to instill a better moral compass in students at a younger age, effectively reducing the problems in the public school systems. The role of religion in schools has been one of the most controversial issues in America, and although the U.S. Supreme Court has long made clear that the Constitution prohibits public school-sponsored prayer or religious indoctrination, … There’s no reason for allowing religious displays to destruct the public education system. After 35 years of looking backward, he says, he’s found that before our universe there was nothing, nothing at all, not even time itself." I have no problem with showing religion as long as all religions are supported in equal measure (even my non-religion). It improves morale. All manner of students attend from different religious backgrounds, and they aren't there by choice. Religious private schools offer an alternative environment if parents wish to use them for their family’s needs. I think its a little thing I like to call pure pressure. Letting religion be practiced at school does not mean forcing it on other children or teaching other people about it. God made Earth and all that inhabit it. I am a student myself, and i'm starting to notice change in kids that have been steady christians from the day I met them,and I don't think it's there fault. I'm a student and I'm an athiest, I have two first class teachers because I'm on an A day, B day schedule, one allows us to not say the pledge, but has us stand an put our hands over our hears in a gesture of respect to all who have fought and died for our freedom to not say the pledge or say it. The academic study of religion is the appropriate and constitutionally sound way to teach about religion in public schools. Not mandatory, and parents can decide if they want their kids to do it, but really, whats the harm?? In any instance, you chose that school and more than likely, you're paying for your child to be there.Public schools are just that, public. The second law of thermodynamics does not prove that the universe had a beginning but it also supports this claim." But they tend to miss the rest of that ruling, which emphasized that teachers have always been allowed to teach about religion academically. Many will argue that teaching religion in school is an excellent way to teach values to children. That would be a violation of the separation of Church and state. These separation laws are in effect in the country in order to further exemplify the first amendment. The F word and other cuss words is probably used around 27 times in my ear shot during one passing time. Supporting Argument? Public school systems have become breeding grounds for many debates over the years. HA... See now was that so hard?? But this does not mean that we've taken God out of public schools. Teacher wants the class to pray before the class takes a test. This applies to this issue of prayer being allowed in public school since it means that the U.S. regime cannot approve, rule out, or recommend any religion at all. Only the establishment of religion. Forced school prayer could lead to an environment of intolerance. Abington School District v. Schempp (1963) And we need it now! I mean its nice to now but i think that students should have some choice in what they learn and not just what the school is teaching because that is what the area is. People’s opinions on this matter are not likely to change anytime soon, making this an issue that is going to be around for a while. Religion in public schools is NOT prohibited by the First Amendment and was never considered unconstitutional until the 1960’s when the Supreme Court declared it to be so. Schools Is For Everybody Among these things is any thing that has to do with religion, which some parents don’t mind and others are strongly upset. The two teachers that I talked about shoving religion down our throats have gotten away with these violations of personal privacy and the separation of church and state. It just means the student can let themselfs be and stay comfortable. List of Pros of Religion in Schools 1. The US (I am assuming we are talking primarily about the US) are not founded on Christian principles (as some may claim), they are founded on the principles of multiple philosophers and political thinkers of the Enlightenment period (John Locke's separation of powers, human rights, etc. If this is true then why can’t a teacher pray with a student in school? Religions are internally diverse as opposed to uniform. A Well Rounded Education Schools … Should religion be allowed in schools? In the first amendment is states that the Constitution … Teachers cannot inhibit or deride religion. Separation of Church and State As secular humanists and groups like the Christian Coalition are at war with each other regarding prayer in high schools behind closed doors in Washington DC, the average high school kid is the one that gets caught in the middle. It is a means of proposing that people are different from each other and have different beliefs. Every one (of significance). They get laughed at for a cross necklace or quoting a bible verse in there english assignment.Kids should be motivated to believe in what makes them happy,not what the kids at there lunch table think or care obout. In almost all cases, this school was chosen for you and your child and its completely free (except in some cases where you apparently make too much money fro your child to have a free lunch, which is just ridiculous) but is it fair for an Jewish boy/girl to have to leave the class because Mrs. They must be places where religion and religious conviction are treated with fairness and respect. The society in a public school is a diverse and unique one filled with kids from all over the world. It should be optional. Yeah, you might say that it is the staff's fault for not catching it, but they wouldn't have to if these kids went to church. Teenage pregnancy, school violence, school shootings, and drugs are only a few among a large array of problems that are on the rise. What supporting argument provides why lies should be taught to unsuspecting children who then develop a close-minded worldview. Improved Morals The first settlers, while very religious themselves, actually fled from the institutionalised Church of England because they wanted freedom of religion. Do YOU know because I would really like to know :( Now in the bible we learn that there was always and forever will be God, the Son, and Holy Spirit. 2. In today's society we need religion more than ever. In general I would say that yes, it should be allowed, but this is not necessarily a simple question. Turning freedom OF religion into freedom FROM religion. If you send your child to a private school, there's a reason. The school is meant to be an open place for anyone and everyone that attends. That is religion being encouraged in school, directly violating the 1st amendment of not endorsing religion in public schooling. Especially the practice of an institutionalised religion (prayer in the morning), even with the opportunity to opt out, would be discriminating. 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