We even go for accessories that adds beauty to the bearer.Anyway the way we dress is not that important because all of us has his/her own taste, it maybe pleasing to me but not pleasing to everyone. Must be a cult The first thing that many people think when they see a woman dressed this way and wearing long hair is that they must be involved in some sort of religious cult that makes the women dress and look like Stepford wives. Me, my sisters and mother are all skirts… Primitive Baptists draw their beliefs directly from the 1611 King James Version of the Bible. Thou shalt wear the sweatshirts & caps of your favorite basketball team; they are only evil & worldly if you choose to go to college there. Please share your thoughts in the comment section. Thank you for reading this post. Thou shalt leave a tract in the restroom after thou hast used it. Okay, so I talk on various forums, I have been various places, and various churches, but one thing I seem to see in common is that a lot Baptist Women wear certain types of dresses/koulats/skirts. This causes many people to wonder why some Christian women wear dresses or skirts and long hair. I remember one of the missionary wives who was married to the man who used to be a division leader in the bus ministry at hac and fbc… and I always thought she looked and dressed so incredibly homely, almost as if she walked straight out of Little House on the Prairie set. Men in the West used to wear skirts in pre-Renaissance times. Preacherboys should watch it in the college gym; anywhere else is worldly. Bruce pastored Evangelical churches for twenty-five years in Ohio, Texas, and Michigan. He and his wife have six grown children and thirteen awesome grandchildren. Copyright © 2021 The Life and Times of Bruce Gerencser – Powered by Flywheel. Shop casual, formal or church wear … Also, if you canot do it modestly in culottes, you should rethink doing it at all. Thou shalt always obey the speed limit, EXCEPT when the Pastor says it is God’s will that thou shalt go 10-20 miles over the speed limit so as not to miss lunch at camp. 10 I grew up with kids who were in churches like that one. We could literally sit here all day adding “standards” to this; these guys are constantly changing on a whim. RESPONSE. Most of them encourage their members to dress and live modestly, but do not have specific teachings about hair and skirts. The Baptism symbolizes the cleansing of sins. If fundies really understood this, it would probably scare the shit out of them. I realize that their main goal is modesty, and that it is very important to them to be modest, and that is completely understandable. There’s a Biblical reason for ladies to wear longer dresses / skirts. Unless you are a college student on a bus route. Maybe they're not Baptist or they are a break away group of some Baptist Church. All first-time comments are moderated. If you are a young woman, thou shalt wear knee-length dresses, with hose and heels at summer camp in the woods in the red clay mud when it rains. “Thou shalt not have more than one hole in each ear” shall be amended as follows: WOMEN ONLY shall be permitted no more than one piercing in the earlobe of each ear. Thou shalt take your wife out to lunch on Friday afternoon; this is your allotted time with her. All of the above were part of the unwritten code at my Fundy church 40 years ago. Pentecostal Christianity has more than 700 denominations. It is an outward change that may indeed help you and even remind you of the woman you want to be, but, at the end of the day, the music or the skirt is not making us better. Bruce Gerencser, 63, lives in rural Northwest Ohio with his wife of 42 years. This list also sounds similar to what Adventists practiced. Wearing Skirts Easily Adorns A Woman In Modesty. 😉, I was brought up in evangelical churches which clung to much of this dogma. Oh, as a new convert attending an Adventist college, I actually said, “heck” or “darn” around one of the older teachers (40 years ago). Wearing short skirts is awesome—and for more reasons than you might expect. You may be surprised to learn that the Bible defines a bare thigh as nakedness! He is the man of God who speaks for God. Your pastor is burdened for America & hasn’t slept since 1976. Is it a kind of a uniform? I don’t think this is what the Apostle Paul was saying and I will explain why. So why is it that a lot of Baptist Women feel the need to make themselves look menonite or Amish in apperance rather than something semi-in-style or attractive? We maybe dressed so well but our heart is not ready to face our God on that worship day, then the dress we worn is not of value. This must be a location style of dress, because I have not seen it either in my church or any other Baptist church I may have visited. Another rule for students was that thou shalt not attend the roller skating rink upon threat of expulsion. But, I have a few, from the legendary Dr Bob of Longview: Thou shalt watch football on Monday night. Girls with skirts longer than knee length also were required to kneel. This is 100% the independent Baptist school I attended. Thou shalt leave for camp on Monday morning and return on Saturday afternoon, as thou must be able to give a long, tearful testimony at the church service on Sunday morning (exhaustion is of the devil). Shaking my head, wishing I had gotten out of that place sooo much sooner than we did, you know when I should’ve used my own brain and listened to my gut. 75 Reasons God Is Against Alcohol. https://www.nakedpastorstore.com/blogs/news/adoring-pastors. 5. Actually I could easily see the pussy when they were sitting down. Many Pentecostal women — as Dutton is — and some independent Baptist women wear skirts because of their religious convictions. Even my Southern Baptist Church wasn’t this strict! Thanks! There are plenty of ways to dress very modestly, and in style - and I don't mean wearing shirts that are skin tight, or skirts that are thigh high, but I mean pretty, flattering shirts and dresses. Bruce left the ministry in 2005, and in 2008 he left Christianity. Yesterday I went to a night party at my friend's house. The clue here is SOME Baptist women, so those who have automatically jumped on the Christian abuse waggon, please take a breath.It is for modesty, and those particular Baptists who do wear long skirts (even to swim in), do so because they believe that is the best way to be modest. Some women do wear pants that aren‘t so bad, and yes, I admit that VERY loose fitting pants are not as revealing, but again, depending on how you move, even those can fit … They will also not wear clothing with labels, removing them from any second hand clothing. Fundies forget that God can do a sudden “I have changed my mind” crazy Ivan on them at any moment. (The mind of an 18 year old girl that had been sort of “bad” with many boys in high school, shame on me) I never understood it. So men can’t have facial hair but women can? It was beyond comprehension in my little brain back then. They are conservative in their dress: most women still dress in below-knee-length skirts, and the men wear collared shirts. But do women have to wear their best clothing – the modern equivalent of the stola every day of their lives? Indoctrinating Evangelical Children: Are You Willing to Die for Jesus? Thou shalt study various martial arts disciplines, as these are masculine. Bruce, you and many of those that comment to your posts are a help to me. 47:2- 3). Wearing a skirt can be a life-changing decision, but it must be made with the right intentions. Many watch movies in their home….what is the difference? Mini skirts began appearing about the mid-1970s, but many schools instituted length requirements for those, and some teachers carried yardsticks to measure them. 3. Men who are committed to modest dress will sometimes wear those things but they will be selective in what they wear. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. After I graduated from that school I didn’t wear a skirt for 2 years at my secular university! If thou dost sin and eat at a restaurant (due to the slothful disposition of thy wife), then thou shalt leave a tract for the server-never a tip. In that case, thou shalt work on your bus route until 3 am Monday morning, then get your sorry, lazy ass ready for your theology classes at our bible college that morning. Ugh. If you are a first-time commenter, please read the commenting policy before wowing readers with your words. Donations are always appreciated. (Isa. None of which are flattering or attractive. It's a bit like listening to Christian music. Independent Fundamentalist Baptist Lingo, A Guide to IFB-Speak, 1976-1979: My Midwestern Baptist College Transcript, Seven Things Evangelicals Say to Atheists and Why They Shouldn’t Say Them, The Ravi Zacharias Scandal and the Billy Graham Rule, Black Collar Crime: Methodist Pastor John McFarland Sentenced to 15 Years to Life for Sex Crimes, Black Collar Crime: Evangelical Pastor Christopher Lawton Accused of Sexual Assault, Black Collar Crime: Evangelical Youth Pastor Sean Higgins Charged With Sex Crimes. If you would like to contact Bruce directly, please use the contact form to do so. I noticed that Orthodox Jewish women wear them, so do Catholic nuns, some covered Muslim women do too and Baptist/Evangelical and Mormon types wear those long denim skirts too. I have friends who are Baptist and they maybe conservative but they don't dress like what you're describing. “Thou” “waist”. Zoey August 6, 2019 6:07 pm A Warning To Christians. Way over the edge. The Baptist church believes in Baptism only after a person has professed Christ as their Savior. It may just not be a ladylike actvitiy. Russell Crowe in "Gladiator." For example, the Bates women wear pants and sleeveless dresses . They're very helpful, and they can be applied to male or female, pants or dresses. In any case, we are definitely living in the end times before the 2nd coming of Christ. Their services are modeled on the early New Testament church with preaching, praying, and singing without instrumental accompaniment. Perhaps the question of why do Mennonites dress like that isn’t really why Plain men can wear clothing that is similar to worldly men. Re: Why girls should not wear skirts or dresses - 03-11-2010, 08:55 AM I honestly wonder if any of you "True Christians" have even opened your Bible, or tried to interpret yourself what it says. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! My mom grew up with this rule but never was told why. Apostolic Co. specializes in pentecostal inspired fashion for the modest women. When they do wear short skirts for other people, it just might be to show off in front of other girls, though I do not think that people flaunt miniskirts for that reason, either. Hello! Thou shalt believe in pre-millennial rapture unless your pastor believes in post-millennial rapture. The initial issue that caused the schism among Pentecostals had to do with the proper method of water baptism. (And yes, martial arts are ok, even though they originated from Asian sources; we’ll win those yellow devils to Jesus, eventually). What a list! However, that is God’s perspective. Traditionally, they only sing hymns in their churches and reject the use of drums and recorded music. Thanks for any input! How The Devil Tries To Discredit The Word Of God. However, Dutton still played basketball in shorts before making the switch to a skirt … However, why wear ugly giant flower prints, or denim skirts that have unflattering shapes, or shirts that are 4 sizes too big? The church shall pray for her to get right with her lord (and her pastor). Women should be sure to wear long enough skirts, lest they should cause a brother to stumble by flashing too much ankle. You forgot women wear nice slax pants,so actually,women do not have to wear skirts. She actually got upset! Bruce is now a humanist and an atheist. The women at my church including me, dress modern and up to date. One thing more , what is inside our hearts is the most important thing to our God. I live in the Northern part of the USA, and they all dress like that in the North Eastern states that I have been to. We do not want to see them. And there I caught some girls who did't wear panties even when they're dressed up with short dresses and skirts. Thou shalt be baptized by full immersion in this particular denomination of church, preferably this specific church, otherwise it might have been a false baptism that didn’t take. True Bible Reasons Why Church Is On Sunday Not Saturday. Could someone please explain? Addendum: Thousand shalt not even THINK about piercing ANYTHING below the waste! We manufacture and retail long dresses, skirts and modest tops and accessories. Culottes should follow the same rules as skirts and reach at least 3 inches below the knee and be sufficiently full that we do not see the shape of your legs. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Being skirts only is a choice, and a conviction. There are a lot more where these came from, lmao 🙂. As a transgender woman, I find that interesting, to say the least! We also supply denim and skirts, tops and accessories for all occasions. Some churches use a sprinkling of water as Baptism, but most practice full immersion, where the candidate is fully immersed in water.This symbolizes the disciples’ own … The Book of Peter echoes these sentiments, teaching, “Do not let your adornment be merely outward — arranging the hair, wearing gold or putting on fine apparel — rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God” (1 Peter 3:3-4). Although I did finally deconvert I resent the years I lost trying to live under these ridiculous guidelines. I have seen women group dress like what you're describing but I don't associate them with being a Baptist. Women should wear skirts because they have the subcutaneous fat to even out the bumps and pull it off succesfully. I should know. I subjected myself to such rules for decades, believing I was obeying God. The main belief in the Baptist church is Baptism. (Please note: if thou art truly right with God, the only acceptable team to pull for is Michigan State). Then Hyles would yell from the pulpit that “If the barn needed painting”…and the men would hoopla with their Bibles waving in the air. Please be advised that this rulebook is subject to change at the whim of the pastor. My religious upbringing was pretty bizarre, but this stuff? Recent debates on identity and society's understanding of … What the fuck is YOUR problem?? If she doesn’t approve of this, tough; she should’ve thought of that before she married you. At my Presbyterean Church, once a year a bunch of guys dress up in kilts (male skirts) for reformation sunday … The descriptions of the outfits you listed in your discussion, I have never seen in my church, even with the elderly members. How I struggled to free myself from this oppressive thinking. I think they're not allowed to have short hair. In Pentecostal churches where women are allowed to wear slacks, the attitude seems to be that women should dress modestly and not give mixed signals with their clothing, makeup, or jewelry. I'm a guy & I extremely wonder that why don't girls wear panties under dresses/skirts. In my church we go for a modest way of dress in the church but not the way as you had described. Amendment – though shalt say amen during service but only if you are male. Baptist—When you hit the local Baptist church, dust off your best polo shirt and slacks, like Jesus wore. Thou shalt wear a bra if you are a woman, and it can only be a white, underwire bra; Thou shalt not mix bathe (Baptist for swimming with the opposite sex) Thou shalt not go to amusement parks unless the youth group is going; Thou shalt not go to the prom This means that God changed his mind, yes? Although the Bates family believes in modest dress, they aren't too strict on what their kids wear, according to In Touch Weekly. And yes they are Baptist - not a break away group of a Baptist church. I am a Baptist woman, and I am not sure what area of the country you are seeing these women. The Bible. Women typically did NOT wear stolas every day but rather they wore them only for special occasions like weddings or other more formal gatherings. One of my other professors did allow that saying “shoot” was okay, as she was used to people from Ohio saying it! Floor-length skirts and dresses were also prohibited. 3 Reasons Why I Wear Skirts Full-Time. Yes, they do wear their hair long too. I wondered how in the world that man could look at his wife much less have sex with her because why would you defile such a woman who looked so sheepish and innocent!! Bruce Gerencser, 63, lives in rural Northwest Ohio with his wife of 42 years. God changes his mind several times in the Bible. Thou shalt not speak in Sunday morning service if thou be a woman, unless you are the soloist and you want to give thanks and praise to Jesus for the wonderful song. eyebrow, belly button, tongue) shall be permitted to be pierced. UGH!!!! Later that afternoon, thou shalt go to work. RESPONSE. God Wants There To Be A Distinction Between The Sexes. And there are many Baptist Churches too. Thou can sleep at 11 on Monday night; everyone knows sleep is for fags & queers, not real men. A New Generation of Independent Baptists: An Open Letter. The difference in our culture is that women wear dresses and men wear pants, so I believe it's right for me to wear dresses. He is his own man and refuses to be tied down or corralled by anything. Paid It All: The Story Behind The Hymn. This is the Christianity of millions of North Americans. This is why I love Jesus. He alone is allowed to change his mind. They do not wear flashy clothes, and they tend to keep their social interaction within the IFB. Thou shalt leave tracts in various and sundry places: the aisles of Walmart, in library books, at the doctor’s office, so that all may know the Good News of the Gospel. ? Favorite Answer I don't know about Southern Baptists (none that I know of believe that), but I know a lot of Pentecostal people who believe that. A Lady Wearing A Skirt Is Easily Identified As A Christian. Maybe you just open yourselves up to the pseudo-Christian garbage that these "pastors" feed to you. I didn’t understand the extremes of it and was so glad for makeup, but why yell about it from the pulpit?! 4. As I once told a liberal congregation, the IFB church I grew up in had an eleventh commandment in their Bibles, “Thou shalt not [fill in the blank].” Sarcasm, yes, however, I swear they half the time they invented it as they went along. Legs We know you have them. He and his wife have six grown children and thirteen grandchildren. If this doesn’t work, she shall make “the Sunday evening edition”, Enjoy everyone! I'm not trying to be rude, so I hope I did not come across as such, I am just truely curious as to their reasons for choice in clothing. * Maybe some can relate to this cartoon from NAKEDPASTOR. As such, I encourage ladies to wear dresses or skirts that are no shorter than knee-length when seated. This list sounds alot like the Mennonite Church rule book. For more information about Bruce, please read the About page. Dreamworks/Universal Pictures. Its a blessing I had this opportunity to join in a discussion group like this although its been too long this has been posted but I do believe the time has nothing to do what is important is I am blessed to join such discussion. The short answer is that going to the movies supported Hollywood. Bruce left the ministry in 2005, and in 2008 he left Christianity. Donations on a monthly basis can be made through Patreon. I am still a very committed Christian, but I was thankfully out of the IFB world once I left for college (a secular university). Going to the movies could also lead to you having a bad testimony before the world. If they can't support it with Scripture, Primitive Baptists don't follow it. Thou shalt not eat at a restaurant on Sunday. Short Stories: The Day I Got Busted by the Border Patrol, How the IFB Church Turned My Wife Into a Martyr, Creationist Ken Ham Asks His Disciples to Pray for Me, Ken Ham Approves of Brothers Having Sex With Sisters, Trials and Adversity: It Doesn’t Always Happen to Someone Else, Black Collar Crime: Methodist Pastor John McFarland Charged with Molesting Seven Children, Black Collar Crime: Evangelical Pastor Guillermo Quintanilla Accused of Sexually Assaulting Young Girls, Thou shalt obey all adults at all times if you are a child or teenager, Thou shalt obey your husband at all times is you are a woman, Thou shalt obey your parents at all times, Thou shalt obey the police and government unless the pastor says it is a sin against God to do so, Thou shalt give a faith promise missionary offering, Thou give an offering any time the pastor says God is saying to collect a special offering, Thou shalt attend church every time the doors are open, Thou shalt pray for every meal, but ice cream at Dairy Queen after church requires no prayer, Thou shalt only use the King James Bible — 1611 edition which is really the 1769 revision, Thou shalt only use the Scofield King James Bible, Thou shalt not have long hair (over your ears, collar) if you are a man, Thou shalt not have a block cut hairstyle is you are a man, Thou shalt not have facial hair if you are a man, but if you are a woman you can have facial hair, Thou shalt not have tattoos unless you have prison tats from your life before Christ, Thou shalt not take the hem out of your Levi jeans or alter your clothing in any way so that you look worldly, Thou shalt not wear pants (britches) if you are a woman, Thou shalt not wear shorts, but a woman can wear Baptist shorts — also known as culottes, Thou shalt not expose any flesh if you are a woman, especially your thighs, breasts, or back, Thou shalt only wear dresses with hemlines below the knees if you are a woman, Thou shalt not have any physical contact with the opposite sex if you are unmarried, Thou shalt not have more than one hole in each ear if you are a woman, Thou shalt not pierce any body part except your ear, and then only if you are a woman, Thou shalt not watch TV, but if you are a carnal Christian and must watch TV thou shalt only watch, Thou shalt not go to the movie theater, but using streaming services is okay, Thou shalt always have tracts in your shirt pocket or purse, ready to evangelize at a moment’s notice, Thou shalt drive a car with church advertising stickers, IFB cliches, or Bible verses attached to the bumper, Thou shalt park down the street when visiting the local strip club or whore house lest the pastor know you are there and stay away, Thou shalt not listen to secular music, especially rock music, which is from the pit of hell, Thou shalt not listen to contemporary Christian music (CCM), Thou shalt not drink fermented alcohol — after all, Jesus drank Welch’s grape juice, Thou shalt not cuss, but saying darn, shoot, crap, freaking, and fudge are okay, Thou shalt not date non-Independent Baptist girls or boys, Thou shalt not have any non-Independent Baptist friends, Thou shalt home school your children or send them to a Christian school, Thou shalt only read pastor-approved Christian books, Thou shalt only believe what the pastor says you are to believe, Thou shalt say you have victory over sin, even if you are lying, Thou shalt adhere to the perception is reality rule, Thou shalt send your kids to the same Christian college the pastor went to, Thou shalt leave the church if you commit adultery, get a divorce, or get pregnant outside of marriage, Thou shalt  believe everything the pastor says even when you are certain he is lying, speaking evangelistically, or embellishing his illustrations, Thou shalt wear a bra if you are a woman, and it can only be a white, underwire bra, Thou shalt not mix bathe (Baptist for swimming with the opposite sex), Thou shalt not go to amusement parks unless the youth group is going, Thou shalt not show emotion unless praising Jesus from 10:00 am to noon on Sunday or giving a testimony during Sunday evening service, Thou shalt say AMEN during at the appropriate time during the pastor’s sermon, especially when he shouts, pounds the pulpit, or performs gymnastics, Thou shalt not be angry even though the pastor is allowed to be angry, but that’s because his anger is righteous anger, Thou shalt be for what the pastor is for and against what the pastor is against, because if you don’t, a bear might come out of the woods and eat you, Thou shalt ignore any science that contradicts the Bible, Thou shalt never try to fix your own problems because the pastor is the official fixer of all problems, Thou shalt takes notes on the sermon even if the rabbit wanders five miles off the trail or the sermon is incoherent, Thou shalt always tell the pastor what a wonderful sermon he preached, even when you have no idea what he was talking about, Thou shalt always tell Sister Bertha what a wonderful job she did with her off-key rendition of, Thou shalt not use canned (taped) music for music specials. 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